Assuming that they're already bonded, they can use the same litter tray, however it's often advised to have at least one litter tray per rabbit (one in the cage and one elsewhere in play/free roaming area. I have seen pairs of rabbits using just the one litter tray, just make sure what you have is big enough to accommodate both rabbits and their hay at the same time. Under bed storage trays are a good size.
Sometimes my two will share. For a bit, but then if Steve is sitting on what Cali thinks is a yummy section of hay she will either nip him to get out or act like she's going to mount him. He scurries out pretty quick. It annoys me and I give her a bit of sh*t for it but I guess that's rabbit speak for hey move over. When they have supper Steve makes sure to sit on most of it so he can end up eating more, so all's fair I suppose.
My bonded pairs have always shared one litter box. On occasion, with a newly bonded pair, I have used more than one litter box initially and then gradually worked back down to one.
Thanks for your replies. I'll talk to the foster parents and see what they're used to and go from there. Either way, it won't be an issue because I have millions of litter trays. :bunnybutt:
My two Flemmish babies have a pen in the living room where they are confined at night when we go to bed or leave the house. When we are with them we turn them loose. We have 4 litter boxes in the house. They certainly use them. Actually they have pretty good litter box manners. Our previous rabbit went for about 4 weeks marking things...i.e. peeing even thought she also had good litter box manners. Previous Bunny stopped with peeing marking after about 4 weeks. Our present girls, although really good with their litter boxes, are i think in their still marking phase. They will leave a teaspoon of pee every now and then. I hope like Bunny they will outgrow this. I think they will stop this behavior when they past puberty.