litter and grooming

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2005
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Hutto, Texas, USA
My buns hair seems to always be shedding... Iwill hold her for 5 min, set her down and be covered in bun hair fromhead to toe. Then I start sneezing.:D

Another thing is corncobs a good litter! My mom bought it at the petstore tonight. It says it is dust free. and compost safe. My buns seemto like it and I like it cause it is easy to clean up:p
bunnylover78642 wrote:
My buns hair seems to always be shedding... I will hold herfor 5 min, set her down and be covered in bun hair from head to toe.Then I start sneezing.:D

Another thing is corncobs a good litter! My mom bought it at the petstore tonight. It says it is dust free. and compost safe. My buns seemto like it and I like it cause it is easy to clean up:p
A rabbit thats diet is too high in protein may experience continualshedding. Some buns also shed more than others. It can depend on whattime of year it is or how old the bun is also.

I have used corncobs in the past but found it didn't soak up the urineas well as I had hoped so I switch to another type of litter. It shouldnot cause a problem for your buns to use it.

Fergi's mom
I have used Carefresh.... it soaked up but itdidn't keep the odor down and after it soaked up the stuff was wet likea papertowel so he actually got more urine on his feet and that's notgood.

I have used smaller, pea sized little balls of recycled paperstuff. It was ok. same thing.... once it's "wet" itsorta gets soggy in places.

I have used that natural, clay stuff they sell with the cornerlitterbox and things... HAHAHA that's like putting a clump of mud inthe pan once they go.... try getting it out! EYUKKKKK!

I have used the corncob litter and liked it very well. I wasadvised that if the rabbit ate much of it, it wasn't good, but they eatother stuff, so I don't know. I also mixed corncob with thepea stuff. it worked ok too.

I swear by WOODYPET!!!!!!!!!!! :DI use it for Bo, our doveand our rat. They seem to like it as well. It iswonderful to tip his litterbox over and everything fall out then wipethe bottom with a papertowel and it's good to go. Once a weekor so I clean his litterpan with vinegar. Honestly, it's beenlike 2 weeks this time (I dump it about every 2 to 3 days) and itwasn't bad at all! I could have gotten by for another week without thedeep clean so to speak.

I think JimD, Buck and I should be the new spokespersons for this company! :p

Bunnylover Bindy is shedding here on and off and I think the whackyweather we are having might not be helping the situation, not surewhat's happening in your part of the world.

Do you brush your bunny regulary???

As for litter I am using a recycled paper type one( after trying oodlesand oodles of others) works well for Bindy ( I cahnge her littereveryday, just because I like to )
I try to brush my bun but she doesn't like it andshe doesn't even like me holding her. She is strange. I swear I am theonly person that has a bunny that wont come near you at free will. Ifeel bad because maybe I am doing something wrong. I had Gemine for 4months now and Leo for 1 and a half months now.

The corncob litter seems to work pretty well. My buns like to kick itup in the air and make a huge mess. :DThey don't really eat it. I havelooked for woody pet but I can't seem to find it any where. I reallywish I could so I can try it since every one thinks it is so good.

The weather here is really weird. First we thought winter was goingaway. Then all of a sudden it is raining every day and cold. Then thenext day it is hot and everyone is wearing tank tops and shorts. It isdriving me crazy!!!!!:p

I heard it again...someones talking about WoodyPet!!!!

Which reminds me,I just took the spare out of the trunk of mycar. Spare bag of WoodyPet, that is. I need to pick up another loadthis weekend.

I haven't used the corn cob litter so I don't know how it performs.Your at least one step toward a "thumbs-up" if the buns likeit!

And I agree with the others about the diet affecting the amount that abun will shed. We recently altered our buns to a morecontrolled/healthy diet and we have already noticed the shedding hasstarted to diminish quite a bit, as well as the improved quality oftheir coats. Chubbiebunnies have a more difficult time grooming and I,msure this has something to do with it as well.

:~) Jim

Their diet; a handful of colored pellets, thestuff with the corn and peas and carrots in it, and all the hay theycan eat. We had given them plain pellets but they refuse to eat it andthrow their bowl across the cage, wasting all the food inside it. Theyalso have a always filled water bottle. They get treats all the time...hehe:D
VNess2010 wrote:
I went to, and it looks like there are nodealers near me...does anyone know if I can order itonline??? thanks

Hi Nessa!

This is the post from davejr @ WoodyPet...hope it helps!


"If anyone in this fine rabbit forum has any questions regarding WoodyPet Professional Animal Bedding, please email me direct or call theWoody Pet toll free number. We will be more than happy to answer anyquestions or direct you to a Woody Pet Bedding outlet. (hopefully inyour area) [email protected]

888-535-9816 toll free

Dave Jr.

Woody Pet Products Inc"

VNess2010 wrote:
I went to, and it looks like there are nodealers near me...does anyone know if I can order itonline??? thanks

Isuspect there are Tractor Supply Company retail outlets inPennsylvania because I believe we've purchased WoodyPet in some duringour travels. If you were to query TSC on the Internet to findthe location of one nearest you, and call them to insure it is in stockor that they will order it for you, it might be worth an hour or twodrive into the country to stock up on the product.

Buck Jones wrote:
VNess2010 wrote:
I went, and it looks like there are no dealers near me...doesanyone know if I can order it online??? thanks

Isuspect there are Tractor Supply Company retail outlets inPennsylvania because I believe we've purchased WoodyPet in some duringour travels. If you were to query TSC on the Internet to findthe location of one nearest you, and call them to insure it is in stockor that they will order it for you, it might be worth an hour or twodrive into the country to stock up on the product.

I think there was a dealer in the Trenton, NJ area that I was able tolocate. It was too far for me. I go to an Agway in Morristown, NJ

:~) Jim
VNess2010 wrote:
I went to, and it looks like there are nodealers near me...does anyone know if I can order itonline??? thanks

How do you know there are no dealers near you. The product isusually sold as a bedding for horses. There has got to be alot of equestrian/horsey types in PA, so I recon it must be sold there.

I found, in the past, that the link seeking dealers on the WoodyPetwebsite was not functioning properly and one had to send an e-mail tothe company. Dave Jr.,who has posted to us here, usually willsend you the information regarding nearest retailer.[email protected]

Don't give it up, yet, if you haven't tried contacting Dave.The company is very consumer oriented and even went as far as toarrange a private delivery to one of our UK members(if memory serves mecorrectly)after a major shipment to an equestrianorganization in country, where it is not readily available.

I do believe Cher, a Canadian member, lives near the western plant, butthere are no retailers in her area interestingly enough.WoodyPet delivered from their plant to her door as an accommodation.

People are at work at that company. Hard to find that kind of service anymore, anywhere.


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