My little Cinnabun was sold to me as a "dwarf lionhead" although he is rapidly growing larger and has more of hair sprouts than a lion's mane! He has more fluff around his tushy than his head
Good grief I about fell outta my chair from all the cuteness. Lionheads RULE! I love all buns, of course, but I just can't get enough of these manes and crazy hair cuties.
Here is my Agnes. First one is 8 weeks old. Second is about 3 months old. Last ones most recent about 4 monts old:
This my Pepper! <3 He is five months old and he is my first bunny. We've been together about 5 days now and he always likes leaving me with scratches. lol
I totally loathe his previous owner as he did not cut his talons shorter. ><