Lilly Bun is so good <3

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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2012
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Coos Bay, Oregon, USA
So from researching litter training a lot I had it in my head that I would have to wait to train Lilly until after she was spayed. I was so anxious to try it though! I found a nice litter box online so I decided to get it even though she isn't spayed yet to try it out & see if she could do it. I put it in the corner she peed the most and put bedding only in the litter box, along with some of her soiled bedding to help her get it. After it was all set up she went in her cage to check it out and she peed in it right away! I was soo happy. She had a few accidents over the next few days but she still did amazingly well. It didn't even take her a week to consistently use it! So I can now say Lilly is litter trained :) YAY!!!

I thought I would share with you guys not only cause it made me a super proud bunny momma but because I thought it might be helpful/motivating to those of you who have rabbits that aren't litter trained or fixed. :)

Also, any tips on getting a baby bun to not pee on my floor?? LOL
its not always best to wait to litter train them after they are spayed; you should start training them as soon as possible so they can start learning the concept of going in one designated area. its best to just do it as soon as possible because its easier to teach them to use a box when they are younger from what I've heard. spaying only helps to mellow them or change their personality/attitude in a good way and for the original reason why you would spay an animal. i had to fix my rabbit because he had some feelings for my innocent stuffed animal turkey...and later on my cat :/

but otherwise nice good for you :)
tips. try not to move the litterbox in different places around the cage because it will confuse them and they will think it means that they can just go anywhere they want. sometimes they move the literbox and go behind it so i attached the litterbox to the side of the cage to keep it stationary. :D

hope this helps!!! :)

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