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Active Member
Feb 6, 2005
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom
I keep reading that letuce is very bad (in factpoisionous) to rabbits, but I have read a few posts on here wherepeople do seem to actually feed it to their buns.

What is inlettuce that is so bad for the buns?

I alsowonder why in the past so many people did assumethatrabbits and lettuce were a good combination?Also I still find it shocking that many people have not heard about thelettuce thing.
I'm pretty sure Iceburg lettuce is the kind that's bad. and Romaine Lettuce is the good stuff.

Not exactly sure what makes one bad and one good, I'm sure someone heredoes, better wait and see, I might even have it backwards...

I'm not totally sure, but I've heard that Iceberglettuce is of no nutritional value to rabbits due to the fact it ismainly water and can cause diarrhea.

I give my bunny romaine lettuce which has more vitamins and minerals.

Yep, Iceberg is bad. If you look at the cheatsheet thread, I'm sure there are diet links there.

Bo gets romaine each night. Sometimes red romaine, but hereally likes the bagged, organic, romaine hearts. They staygood for a long time also!

The little leaves in the center of the hearts, are really yummy from what he acts like! lol
Hi Bunnihon,

As Buck had noted, iceberg lettuce is very high in moisture content,low in nutritional value...causes diarrhea, particularly in young buns,which can be fatal.

The only reason it is so popular is that it was the first lettuce thatwas capable of being shipped nationally aboard refrigerated railroadcars from coast to coast with relatively little spoilage, thusconsumers were able to "enjoy' lettuce all year round for the firsttime.

Pamnock also pointed out that gorging on a particular food can resultin a terrible tummy ache or even fatal chemical reation in a rabbitwho's gut flora is not acclimated to digesting that particularfood.

As Bo pointed out, check the Cheat Sheet above for the information on diet and safe foods for rabbits.

Thanks all,

I do not give my buns any lettuce as many books and info just says NOLETTUCE!Mine get spring greens and broccoli and carrots andsome apple etc, plus the usual hay and pelletsplus they alsofree range in the garden for about 3 hours almost every day and so getfresh grass and twigs to chew on.

I try to vary the foodabit so they dont get exactly the sameeach day and I also hide some food in eggs boxes etc so they have tosniff it out and work out how to get it. I do this if I have to leavethem alone for several hours and hopefully they have some fun too. Theyhave fantastic poops, nice firm and regular little pellets without fail!

Carolyn I didn't know that about the lettuce being shippped and itbeing able to be stored. You learn something new everyday on this sitehey!
Ooo, if you ever want to try it. getthem some romaine. Just one nice leaf is plenty for a snackand very good for them. I tend to watch the calcium in Bo'sdiet due to the studies about it. Romaine is low in calciumand he loves it!

It has never given him the "runs" or anything either..... that's a bigplus when it comes to food. It's also low in calories so it'sa great treat, not fattening, and he thinks he's getting somethingspecial!
Bo B Bunny,

I will certainly try it, I do use romaine lettuce myself and have somein the fridge right now. Guess who's going to get a treatin afew minutes?!!!

P.S Your bun looks TOTALLY gorgeous,I bet he is a superscamp like my two,is he a particular breed?

Also I know this is not quite on the lettuce topic but I would love topost pics of my two buns.I can never seem to get them toappear on the site though, I have tried compressing etc. but still tono avail.Also I would love to havea pic to come upwhen I post questions and answers(i.e. in the left column).Do you know if Ishould I have done this when Ijoined?.....Also I cant seem to be able to edit my details either, iwould like to put my location in the left column too. AGGG

Sorry for bombarding you with questions, it just seems you have been here a whileand so probably know what's what.
We buy hearts of romaine and spinach insubstantially sized plastic bags at Costco specifically for the bunsand feed alternately each day. When our own springmix starts to "go," the buns will get all the remants of that.

No bun suffers from this regimen in any way that we can ascertain.

LOL I haven't been here long...... I just post all the time! :p

You need to resize a pic for your avatar (the pic in the left.) ? Pm me and I'll help you with that stuff.

Bo's pic is actually a painting that Sandhills_rabbit has done ofBo. It looks just like him too! He is a Castor AgoutiMini-rex :) also known as my spoiled baby :)

Sounds like some bunny is getting a new treat tonight!
my buns get a heart of romaine between themevery morning.. used to give them quite a bit of cilantroalong with it until they decided they didnt like cilantro anymore :pi'll try it again soon.. no ill effects here with the greens either..but they throwa fit if they dont get it every morning!
Spiced77 wrote:
mybuns get a heart of romaine between them every morning.. usedto give them quite a bit of cilantro along with it until theydecided they didnt like cilantro anymore :p i'll try it againsoon.. no ill effects here with the greens either.. but theythrowa fit if they dont get it every morning!

Bo will take their share! He loves it.
Bo B Bunny,

Re: getting my buns pics on this site

Gosh, am Ibeing really thick?as I dont know what you mean when you said 'Pm me' in your last post?

And where do I start with the resizing? (I have only recently got mydigital camera and the photoshop programme and so getting to grips withshuffling things about size wise and then posting them is a bitbaffling). Do I do it in the original file that I have the picture inor do I needto mess about in photoshop or something?

Once resized I presume Ithen just attach image as per the box below?

But where do I begin with the making the picture smaller!!!!!!!!!! I can't seem to make head or tail of it.

Sorry for being an idiot:(

Ok, at the top right of your screen should saylogged in as AND YOUR USER NAME. Then next to that is No newmessages or You have # new messages.

I will send you a message. You might get an email to theaddress you signed up here with .... it will say you have a messagefrom me.

Now..... resizing..... it depends on your program. I useMicrosoft Picture it to resize currently. I click on a formatpicture to do that......

I don't know how yours works. :(
I actually have had most of my luck using MSPaint to work with my pics. Once you save it you can resize it veryeasily by going to "Image" on the menu bar and then to "Resize" on thedrop down. It gives the option of using pixels, Cm, or inches. Then Ijust play around with it until it's the right size. Avatars are easybecause we know what pixel size they have to be.

:~) Jim
I never thought of that. Hmm...

Well, I did get bunnihon a few pics and let me tell you, her bunnies are ADORABLE!


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