lease all need some serious advice

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Nov 19, 2006
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Hi all new here i need some serious advice please:

Me & my partner purchased a lovely licking loving rabbit only 1year 5 months ago,named Pippin.All has been fine from the day we hadher she was the most lovable rabbit u could ever amagine she would siton my chest & lick me for hours on end & was so unlikea rabbit.anyways friday just gone she didnt seem well not eating& sat up a corner not moving not like her normal hoppingself,we took her to the vets & the vet said she needed herteeth filing & that was the problem,seemed strange to us as sheshowed not signs as having a tooth problem,more unwell like she had acold or something? well the vet knows best we thought so we left herin.yesterday morning we had a phone call shes ok now eating ect comecollect her & the charge is £100 (money was no problem for ourpip all was to get her well)so we got her brought her home &yes she was moving around again but not eating,the vet said she may besore still.last night things really went bad within 15mins she was VERYlame she couuldnt even stand on her own,& was having verystrange breathing problems so we rushed her to the emergancy vetswithin 30mins our little pip had passed away.

This has come a MAJOR shock to us both,very sudden,out of the blue.Isthis normal to happen to a rabbit?As i can not help thinking her teethmay never had any problems or that her teeth wasn't the problemsomething serious was that the vet missed.The vets has not even givenus the reason she has died.

Im sorry for a long post & its my first on here but im pullingmy hair out thinking she may still be with us if only.....

I know posting on here will maybe get me sore expert answers.

Thank you all in advance.

The love we both had for our Pippin is undiscribable.

Oh, Adam, I'm so very sorry you lost Pippin. It sounds like she was a wonderful rabbit.

The cause of her death could be anynumber ofthings.Illnesses seem to escalatevery quickly in rabbits, especially GI stasis.If you want, you can read more about health problemshere:

You did everything you could to save her, so don't be too hard on yourself.

Pippin is at the Rainbow bridge now and you'll see her again some day.

I'm so very sorry for your loss:rose:

It is true that illnesses in rabbits can escalate quite quickly. LikeSnuggys Mom mentioned, any number of things could have happened. Itsound to me as if she could have entered gi stasis which can claimrabbits very quickly. The best way to determine the true cause would beto have a necropsy performed by a veteriniarian.

But please don't feel guilty. You did every thing you could to help her.

Aww, I'm sorry for your loss, poorPippin.:tears2: Was the vet experienced with rabbits? Most vets in theUK (I assume you're from the UK since you payed in pounds) do not knowa lot about rabbits, at least from my experience.:(

I hope this bad experience hasn't put you off rabbits for good, theyare amazing pets.:) Many rabbits live much longer than little Pippin,on member on here, Ani-Lover, has a bunny that is 15.

Also, don't blame yourself, you took her to the vet and did nothing wrong, this is not your fault.:hug2:

Michaela and the girls:brownbunny:brownbunny:brownbunny
Awww I am sorry about little Pippin. :shock::(

It sounds like you did everything you could do, by taking her to the vet and also to emergency when she got worse.

It also sounds like the vet wasn't very rabbit experienced? It is hardto find an actual vet that know alot about rabbits. I only suggest thatbecause usually they will do a whole exam when a bunny is brought inbecause they do go downhill pretty fast, and also you said that shenever had a problem with her teeth before. But then again, there is agood chance that I am wrong (I am a paranoid bunny mom!).

Again, I am really sorry for your loss. Don't blame yourself at all,you gave her more care then tons of other small andfurryangels get.
I'm so sorry I didn't see this sooner. What a devastating loss.:imsorry:

I have a little Pipp, too, and she sounds a lot like yourPippin-- she sits on my chest and gives me bunny kissesforever. We're a bonded pair, I can't imagine losing her.:cry1:

She has molar spurs as well, if that's what Pippin had. Oneday when she was about Pippin's age, she just stopped eating anddrinking. Normally they will try and eat and the spur bothersthem, so they drop the food and go quiet. Pipp just suddenlystopped eating. The vet only found her molar problem with anx-ray, he couldn't see it visually, it was far back in her last set ofteeth.

She also didn't eat when she came home from surgery, I had to ask foremergency pain meds, and she'd only eat when she was on them.That lasteda week or more. Rabbits really should gohome with pain meds after dental surgery.

Did your vet do x-rays? Did he do blood work? It'sexpensive so many opt not to do it, but some rabbits may have kidney oreven heart issues that make them not a good candidate forsurgery.

Had she lost a lot of weight before they did the dental work?It could have been that she was slowly eating less and not getting theproper nutrients out of the food she was eating. (Pipp wouldstill eat pellets, but nothing else, other bunnies will stop eatingpellets and hay or veggies, there's no firm progression). Wasshe drinking? For some reason, if I can makePippdrink, she eats, but she won't drink on her own). Were herpoops pretty normal?

The vet really should be doing a necropsy under the circumstances. I hope that's the case.

I am so so so sorry for your loss. :sad:I really hope you tryagain withanother bunny, for the bunny's sake as well as yourown. Bunnies need people like you whocare.AfterI got Pipp,I loved her so much it was scary. I was so afraid of losingher, Istarted taking inother bunny rescues to tryand diffuse the intensity, and in the process, I've realized they canall bepretty special. ButPipp will alwaysbe my:heartsbunny

sas:bigtears: and the warren :bunny5:bunny5:bunny5:bunny5:bunny5

aww im sorry to here about pippin. :(

this sounds very like waht happened to my first rabbit Fluffy. he wasfine one day the next he didnt eat very much so the next day we tookhim to the vets the vet, as Michaela said most vets in the uk arentvery experinced with rabbits and neither was this one, he consulted arabbit book he had and said that there was somthign worng with thelevel of acids in the stomach and he told us that he would carry outtreatment over night so we left him there over ngiht by late that nightonce i was already asllep my mum got a call to say that he had passedaway. :(

a few days after this my friends rabbit which lives a few doors awaywhich has been in contact wiht Fluffy beofre came down with the symtomsbut they recornised this quicker and so rushed their rabbit straight tomy vets as they dont usauly take him to the vets. this tiem they had atemporary vet as mine was on holiday this vet said the same thing aboutthe acid levels ion the sotmach but told them they needed to givemedicine to the rabbit and keep himwarm. so they got themedicine and moved his hutch into the kitchen and about a week or solater ahd recovered to his moral self. so if it hadnt been for myrabbit having the same symptons and passing away then my friends rabbitwouldnt have lived for another coupel fo years unfortunalty my friendsrabbit has also passed away now but for other reasons.

maybe this is what was wrong with you rabbit to!
Hi all i would like to thank u all all for taking the time reading our post & also for your replies.

We have had time to think waht has happened & do belive something may have been missed by the vets on our first visit.

Also some good news even tho its only been a few days from pip passingaway we feel bare without a rabbit so last night we got our selfs alovely new babby bun:D

She has settled with us straight away & already a few bunny kisses:D#

Her name is Pinky.Take a little look at here shes a darling...

Catch u all soon n thanks again.


this is pip...

Adam, Im so sorry to hear about Pip. That is so devastating when they go so fast. You did everything you could though.

Pinky is adorable! I hope she helps ease the pain of losing Pip. Ithink its great that youre jumping back in and bringing another bunnyhome to love.

Welcome to RO to both you and Pinky! You should start a blog for herwhen you have a chance :DShe looks like shes made herself athome already!
Hi Adam, I'm so sorry about your loss of your dear Pippin, she was a beauty.

Your new addition is also very very cute. I love those ears and I love the name, it really suits her.

I look forward to seeing many more pictures of Pinky.


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