dear randy,..we have issues, please do not take to heart my disapointment,.!.the trouble with posting information/concerns,is that they can be misunderstood,.but backed up with scientific logic,so-i will be patient and try to explain what is going on,with lagamorph (sweeden),.so here goes,.:.current medications are/baytril-antibiotic- 2x daily(22.0mg),metacam-pain- once daily(0.3mg),..the one animal i can think of with same gut/intestinal tract as a rabbit is the horse,.. these herbavoirs systems are quit different from any other ,they must have a diet high in fiber ie.(orchard grass or timothy grass),and rabbits must be supplemented with-pellets- 1 ounce-pellets- per pound of body weight,and you can add an occassional treat apple w/o seeds,stems,oranges,fruits and vegy,s-(no ice berg lettuce).-,-the reason for the high fiber diet is to lubricate the machine/motor ,so to speak,.,this system is very delicate and compromized when anesthetics/illness/pain/stress/etc,are involved, you agree with this so far,it is not hear say,but-scientific- facts, of rabbits society,.rabbit secrets(john livingston w/phd).just to name a couple, the seventeeth/feb,.there were still-no poops,sweeden had not eaten since early am-(18 hours),.i gave 1.0ml of-metoclopramide,-to stimulate-any interest in eating,..which is what it does/and did,,-she was fighting -mild fever,-some pain and dicomfort from the surgery,...i installed a video camera(color)with audio to keep awatchful eye on her 24/7,.she has been drinking water,eating orchard grass,pellets,and some fresh picked dandylions,grasses,//-her environment is 21 st century-i may get some pictures posted later,-,there was no mention or use of penicillin-g,./the abscess/surgery/ was a must do,..the hope now is that everything clears up / heals up and hopefully won,t require any teeth to be removed/.re-infection..,,.abscesses are dealt with like a cancer /removed entirely,-i do not know of any abscesses which do not reqiure surgery,../.i hope this has been informative and is not intended to ruffle your feathers,so to speak,..i also raise homers,and have quit a few in my collection in my rehab-of injured,disabled,disguarded critters,-and i am going to list you as a friend so i can keep tabs on you,..sincerely james waller
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