December 24, 2009 - Toby's Christmas Eve Stasis Scare
Toby went to the vet, got some fluids, and some medication and he is doing much better.

He's hopping around and looking more engaged and alert. Thank goodness.
Ironically, Kirby has been *thrilled* these last 2 days. I mean, he is happier than he has been in probably
months and the only thing I can think of is that he took a hard swipe at Toby during the bonding session and it shut him up for days! Kirby re-establishes his authority on the Rabbit Nation's citizens and all is right in the world again.
Kirby has been binkying all over the place, every chance he gets. In his pen, in the living room, zipping across the play mat... he's just jumping with joy! Bursting out of his pen as soon as I open the door! I really can't remember the last time he was this happy. It's a good thing he's so happy and doing so well because I was really in pieces watching Toby be so ill.
This experience has also shown me that Kirby is my heart bunny, but Toby is my husbun's heart bunny. My husband works all the time and I practically have to throw a tantrum and beg to get him to take a day off (he has more vacation days than me) to take Kirby to the vet. He stayed up late watching Toby and then voluntarily took the day off to take Toby to the vet. He sits with Toby and tries to pet him and play with him to keep him from feeling alone and sad. I feel a little guilty saying this but I really don't feel as panicked as I think I would be if it was Kirby feeling this sick. Granted, I am a lot more comfortable nowwith my at-home treatments to head off problems before they get serious, than I was before... so Toby reaps the benefits of me feeling
less panicked and more in-control. But there's a gut feeling that if it was Kirby, I'd be a wreck. Don't get me wrong, I am very concerned and worried about Toby, but it... feels different.
Well, now we each have a heart bunny. They are both loved to pieces. That's the most important thing. :hug: