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kirbyultra wrote:
fuzz16 wrote:
i know shes happy i just have to accept she doesnt want anything from me but food and treats, no pets or love.

You are right about that. I think I have to get it in my head that Toby is different. He isn't a smaller, white version of Kirby. He's just got a different personality. I don't want to write him off as the bunny who doesn't need me. But I'm having a hard time finding the balance where I give him enough attention that he feels his slaves love him, and that we'll always be there for him, and yet not get myself so incredibly attached that every time he feels like shattering my heart, he can. :tears2:

How does anyone manage to do this with something as charming as a cute little baby bunny?:(


Wyatt is often refered to as the grump old man who sits on his porch in a rocker yelling at kids "Get off my lawn." He also is my antisocial twerp. Most of my bunnies will seek out attention each to their own limits but Wyatt seems angry if you try to interact with him. I know he trust me and loves me in his own way it's just not in a social way.

Does it upset me? Yes it does. Do I wonder if I did the right thing getting him? Yes I do. Than I look at it like this if he had gone to someone else could they love him despite his looking down on them? I have come to love his grumpy butt. His flicking me off his bunny butt, his feet flicking etc. It is who he is. I now will do things I KNOW bug him just to have him flick me off.

In the end I would not change anything I have him and he is my grumpy sour puss.
Wyatt really does sound like Toby. When I read your grumpy old man line, I knew it fit. Toby literally sits on his box staring out and not making a move. But you go in to try to pet him and he gets all meoooowww. H doesn't get away with any biting with me, but he knows he can pick on Kirby. So he does.

I do sometimes give him a pat on the head just to annoy him. He shrinks into the ground as far as his liquid bun will go just to avoid contact with my palm.

It does bother me that he is so generally mad and I don't know why. I am generally a pretty angry person myself and to see myself in him hits a nerve. I so desperately want to make him a happier bunny. Perhaps this is his version of happy: sitting around, shooing away the slaves and unwanted neighbors.

I do think I give him the best care he could possibly have.
Benjamin has been with me for around 6 months now, and he will not allow me to touch him. I can get a couple pets in when he's eating his oats, but that's it. He doesn't even come out of the bunny room when it's his turn to run, and seems very hesitant still.
He's a mini lop, and he is the grumpiest-looking bunny around. He begs for treats, and he is relaxed when he lounges around in his area, and has recently started chewing his Busy Bunny baskets.

I actually find it to be a challenge to get him to accept me, and I remind myself that he has a good home that he is (sort of) comfortable in.
He's my Grumpy Man, and when I want to give pets, I'll head to Amelia for that!
BethM wrote:
He's my Grumpy Man, and when I want to give pets, I'll head to Amelia for that!
Yeah, thank goodness for our snugglebuns. Otherwise I'd be a rejected mess. :(
January 18, 2010 - The Slaves Clean Up

We replaced the straw mat that was on the floor of the rabbit nation. Toby and Kirby had been collaborating on chewing it up for weeks. They were getting into the vinyl flooring underneath and nibbling on the edges, which is what I can't allow. While we were at it, we did a whole room scrub down and also did the rest of the apartment. It was really gross. I don't even understand it because I hand-vac the areas every single day. Go fig. With a new mat down, I was afraid they'd go nuts marking it up. But it has been fairly uneventful, thank god!

The buns have been very cute this long weekend. Lots of binkies, lots of lounging around. Tons of hay was consumed, and poops on both buns look healthy. I'm obsessing about it because I know very soon Kirby's going to go into a full molt and I just want him to be well prepared.

Today was the warmest day we've had in weeks in NYC. The buns were sunbathing in the lil spots with sunlight. It was very cute. I thought they'd find it too warm, but they didn't seem to choose the shade today.

The weather has been so nice! I've been able to open the windows for awhile at a time to air out the bunny room, without worrying to much about the apartmentgetting really cold.

I know what you mean about molting! Berry just finished molting. Just when I thought I'd get a break from bunny hair being everywhere, Ziggy started his molt. :shock:
I always find it cute when they find a spot where the sun is hitting and stretch out squinting their eyes the entire time!
kirbyultra wrote:
hln917 wrote:
I always find it cute when they find a spot where the sun is hitting and stretch out squinting their eyes the entire time!
That's exactly what mine did :)
I love sunny-bunnies. My Toby used to sit in our small patch of sunshine in our bedroom when he was free-run. Now when he's out and about, he's all about creating mischief. :( *sigh* I no longer can enjoy my sunny bunny time. I will have to live with some pictures of your sunny-bunnies. :biggrin2:
kherrmann3 wrote:
kirbyultra wrote:
hln917 wrote:
I always find it cute when they find a spot where the sun is hitting and stretch out squinting their eyes the entire time!
That's exactly what mine did :)
I love sunny-bunnies. My Toby used to sit in our small patch of sunshine in our bedroom when he was free-run. Now when he's out and about, he's all about creating mischief. :( *sigh* I no longer can enjoy my sunny bunny time. I will have to live with some pictures of your sunny-bunnies. :biggrin2:

Aw, sunny-bunnies is suuuuch a cute term! I love it!!

I'll have to take some pictures of them when they sunbathe again.
January 21, 2010 - Kirby's Hide-n-Seek

Wheeeeere's Kirby?

Did you find him?

How about now? Wheeeeere's Kirby?

Haha, I took so many pics of Kirby playing, but a lot were just black blurry blobs and many had red-eye glare.

I started to plant parsley in a pot. 2 weeks and the seedlings are popping out.

They're so funny, they all sway towards the sun.

The other pot was just planted today.

Kirby's been doing really funny binkies lately. He pops from place to place, and sometimes he doesn't round the turn quite right and he ends up wamming his butt into the tv unit. It doesn't look painful, it just looks like he landed 1/2 inch too far. What a pudgey baby he is. I love fattie bunnies who don't know they're squishie. :D
I like your rug, it's pretty!

I should plant some stuff for the bunnies. My fiance got me an awesome plant stand with lights and stuff for my plants, so I bet I could get them to grow on that.

Kirby's binkies sound so cute! My Zeus (RIP) use to be so hyper, he was not graceful at all and always use to binky into our furniture and the walls.
I don't know how practical it is to plant so little parsley. I just thought it'd be kind of fun to feed the buns something I planted. Hehe.
January 24, 2010 - Maybe it is love

Yesterday a new bun came to Petco where I help with the bunny adoption event. This bun, Milo, was so cute. He looks just like Toby but with a bigger head. He's a little stinker but so cuddly. I sat with him for a while and he immediately came to like me. He sat down next to me. He investigated my lap, then climbed on me. He chinned me up and thenhe licked me all over my shirt. It was the cutest little thing!!! I've never been bunny kissed before. I pet him and then stopped and he nipped my knee, protesting. He wanted me to pet him nonstop and he kept licking me. I am so taken by him!!! I put him back in the cage at the end of the day and he just sat by the door and looked at me longingly. He gave me big, big eyes. It was so wrong of him to do that to me. :( I had to pet him again and kissed him on the nose before closing his cage door.... I want to take him home. I don't have room though. :( :( :(

I came back to my home and kissed my Toby. He is still has blah as ever towards me. I am starting to see his behavior and interpret it differently now. He won't settle down and let me pet him except when he is really tired. But this morning he was running around the living room and he suddenly jumped up on the couch. He could not see me on the couch because I had a blanket on and at that angle he does not make eye contact. He kept periscoping to see me. Over and over and over. Then he started to climb up until he could almost touch his nose to my nose. I smiled at him but didn't move a muscle. He sat there sniffing me for a few seconds.

I'm sure most people would see no significance to this. But to me this is the closest I have to a expression of love from Toby. It was a sweet moment and then he started to descend to the couch again. I tried to pet him and he slapped my hand away by wagging his ears at me again. What a brute :)

I can't compare Milo to Toby - it wouldn't be right. I just want a really snuggly bun for Kirby to bond with. Milo is pretty possessive though. I don't know if they'd make a good pair just because Milo likes me. He may see Kirby as competition.

I don't think I can have him. I might be able to foster, if he doesn't get adopted soon. But honestly, I don't know where I'd put him. I'd have to gt rid of a desk or the dining table to put a xpen.
Worked for the 6th day this week. Got up at 6am... *yawn* ...and 5am tomorrow... grrrrrr. But the good thing is after work I made it to Petco in time to see Milo. No kisses for me today perhaps because he was too busy checking our the environment again, and we didn't have enough time for him to warm up. But he was obviously very calm with me still. I was in the middle of petting him when he just plain flopped over on his side. NONE of my bunnies have ever flopped over while I was touching them.

Milo got neutered probably not long ago. His litter box habits are lacking and he is pretty hormonal and territorial towards other rabbits. He peed on the floor and was chinning and laying poops everywhere marking stuff up. He was too busy doing all that so he didn't have time to make his claim on me with kisses. With time I'm sure he'll be better. His poop is pretty wet and the other volunteer did say that he was pooping very slimy ones earlier. I brought him a lot of my Kleenmama 3rd cut timothy so he might enjoy chewing on that, hopefully make his poop better.

It's bad. I'm getting attached... :shock: