King Kirby's Rabbit Nation

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kirbyultra wrote:
Yeah... 15 hrs x 2 is a stretch for my dear husband... :(
What's the bunderground railroad? I've seen this term in some threads but not sure.
Andy is in high demand for us bunaholics... We need our Dutch hits of cute! Stat!

A bunderground railroad will be a chain of individual across states who are willing to take turns, or legs, of a route to transport a bun(s) or other small/furries to it's new forever home. The forum put a transport together last year forbuns at a high-kill shelter to a private rescue in another state. I am sure the thread is still there in the Rescue Me part of the forum.

Actually, Andy was pulled from a high-kill shelter. A volunteer there noticed his brilliant personality and made the contacts to get him into rescue. I drove three hours one way to pick him up to start our foster care. :biggrin2:

Maybe that is an option for you, Helen. You could find a reputable rescue or shelter in your area, and offer to foster small/furries or bunnies. Kelly fostered Berry-Boo last summer. I had Katie, Princess Poofy Underpants, last summer also. So Andy is my second foster-bun/child. It hasn't become any easier trying to say "Good-bye" to him, but I know he will be in good hands when his forever parents come forward to adopt him.

Aw! Berry Boo looks a lot like my Toby but bigger, and more rexie. She reminds me of this other bun named Princess Kirby who is on the forum with a blog too. That one is a girl but she is named Kirby too. So many Kirbys and Tobys on the forum. I'm getting confused :)

How wonderful that you rescued Andy away from a terrible fate. He is such a sweet bun, so full of wonder. Hmm I wonder if I could foster... It's tough I guess. The short term attention... having to say good bye... I am a bit hesitant about that. But my constraint is still space. :X
September 21, 2009 - Toby gets a rack

A hay rack that is. Yummy!



Kirby lounges on a grass mat, on top of another mat. It's the only way for a king.

"You may feed me that peeled grape now mommy."


Oh my gosh I thought that was enough funny bunny for the evening but then they decided to do this:

White Loaf:

Sleepy Pumpernickel: (Look at his feet! I love how the bottoms are a progression of white to black. It's the only spot on his body that is really a pronounced brown.)

I can't believe how long Toby is, he's like Kirby's size. He is not nearly as filled in as Kirby but he's actually a very big bun!

Look! Close up of Kirby's lips! Three points of white LOL!

Hee hee. I applaud him for his dedication. That is a really weird angle to be chewing for so long. It was the perfect angle to get a shot of his lips and bunny teeth!
Such a cute video of Kirby!! You must go through two tents a month at the rate that he destroys them at! :shock::pI used to get the kids Oxbow Timothy Tunnels until they found the cord that holds the whole thing together, and attack that first. Within a day, I have a pile of timothy hay strands laying around the floor. Then the trick is to get them to touch the hay after it has been dismantled. ;)

Smooches to Kirby and Toby! Give them cuddles for me!

It's awful.... This morning I let Kirby out because it was his turn to come out and run in the morning. Everything was fine until I opened toby's cage door to clean. I was squatting by the doorway picking up pieces of his destroyed grass mat and stray poops. He kept stretching and standing up trying to get past me. I blocked him several times thinking I was almost done anyway, but then Kirby came back into the room and was strolling by toby's cage and that's when Toby made a break for it using the liquid bunny mode to get around me. It was only a fraction o a second: he launched into a full chase on Kirby. Kirby didn't know what hit him and then ran out. Once around the living room with me screaming behind them and Kirby came back, headed for his pen. I got scared because if Toby made it past the castle borders I would have a really, really hard time getting him off Kirby. Toby luckily ran into the door of his pen, Kirby got past and sat on his mat, looking behind. I closed off Kirby's fence immediately before Toby could recover.

Toby ran back out to the living room as I scolded after him and then he sat and ate Kirby's timothy pellets!!! Grrrrr!!!!

I looked at the damage in the living room... Patches of Kirbys fur was scattered on the floor. And Toby looked so proud of himself. :( :( :(

I don't think I'll try to bond them. Toby hates Kirby so much. Kirby is so sweet and defenseless. I'm so disappointed in myself.
It's happened to all of us at one point. The one bad time I had with bunnies, Miss Emma McFluffybottoms ripped a hole in poor Toby's face that needed stitches. :( :hug: I hope Kirby is OK.
I am so sorry this happened to Kirby, and yourself. I agree, don't beat yourself up over this. Accidents happen, but we learn from them. Maybe you need to close the door to the bunny-room while you clean up pens. I know it isn't the best for keeping an eye on who is out in the living room, but with Kirby's safety being the issue, it might be okay for the couple of minutes it takes to sweep up messes.

The same thing almost happened to me with Andy andmy trio. I was cleaning up and getting my trio ready for bed when Andy snuck in to see what sort of mischief he could get into. Me, in one of my duh moments, was like, "Look at me with two tortie Dutches running around...." Two seconds later it was, "OMG!!! Andy!!!!" I swooped in so fast to get his butt out of the bunny room before anything could happen. From then on, I check and double check gates and doors. I would never let a foster in with my trio because I know Zappa would kill them...

Comfort Kirby the best you are able to andlearn how to make cleaning time safer. I guess you might have two sets of buns to run from now on, unless Toby decides to grow up. Another option would be to take each out for dates to find the perfect girls who make their hearts pitter-patter.Thenyou couldhave two bonds instead of two singles. Just thinking ahead for you.... ;)

JadeIcing wrote:
Don't feel bad happens to us all. I will post more when I get home about an incident with Connor and Ringo.
Back when I had just 4... I don't recall what 4 is like. Anyways I used to cover the boys (I had Ringo, Connor, Teresa and Samantha RIP) because Connor would go after Ringo. So I covered Connors cage and let out Ringo. Some how Connor got loose and before I knew it the chase was on. I found Ringo fluff for days. Thank god that it was only fluff Connor got. :hug:
Thanks for the encouraging words, everyone. I have been a mess all day thinking about how terrible the incident was. The fact is I was careless and too lazy to go in the pen and clean up with the door closed. If I had just done that I would have prevented the whole thing, saved Kirby from being so shaken by it.

Ever since Toby was old enough to come out of his baby cage and nip at Kirby, I've been improving the Rabbit Nation and then the rest of my apartment with bunny proofing and safeguarding the bunnies from each other. The rabbit room's extreme measures to protect Kirby has been irritating my husbun more and more because it's also the room where he works at night. After he saw how viscious Toby was this morningI think he won't dispute that they were all necessary measures.

That said, I am not giving up on Toby. He is a good rabbit. He is not a social rabbit with other rabbits, clearly. I'll just have to deal with that. I don't know if he will ever "grow up" to let a girl friend in. We'll see. He is still young. Maybe he will be less aggressive after the 1 year mark.

Kirby might still have a chance at a bond mate one day (when I move into a house with more spaceand a real rabbit room dedicated for them). Kirby is such a sweet boy, he would make some girl very happy (besides me;)). It's amazing how the shelter people knew after only being with him for a month that "he doesn't have an aggressive bone in him." It's really true.

So my boys didn't work out the way I planned and hoped. But I learned a lot of lessons about being a bunny mom from them. They are still my boys. I still love them.

kirbyultra wrote:
... So my boys didn't work out the way I planned and hoped. But I learned a lot of lessons about being a bunny mom from them. They are still my boys. I still love them.


I think you said it all right there. Every experience is a learning experience. I have learned so much about bunnies ever since I adopted Luna, found the forum, and keep in contact with other rabbit-savvy people. Up to that point, I only had vets who, I thought, were knowledgeable about rabbits. Little did I know then to put so much trust in one or two people at that time. I could have done so many things differently...

September 23, 2009 - Kirby's Dad's Birthday Today!

My husbun turned 29 today. We didn't do anything too special. We stayed home, I made him dinner, a good one, a non-Nutrisystem one (we're on a diet system lol).

I got him a 7oz cut of Wagyu steak. It's like Kobe beef, the Japanese cow that drinks beer and gets massages to make unbelievably well marbled beef. It's delish. Ok so I overcooked it a little :grumpy:It was a medium-well instead of a medium:pI also made him some string beans and a baby spinach salad with fresh sauteed portabello with balsamic vinegrette. I think portabello goes wonderfully with steak any day, any time. I just had the salad, I didn't have any steak except the 1 bite he cut for me :biggrin2:Trying to keep up with my diet because I can't exercise until at least Saturday.

I have suffered from plantar faciitis (inflammation of the foot plantar tendon) in the past. It's a nasty little condition that makes taking every step painful enough to recoil, the stretching out of the tendon when I lie down to sleep wretchedly hard to bare, and getting up in the morning and taking the first step on the ground enough to fall over to my knees. It was really bad at one point. I went to a podiatrist and got some cortisone injections for the inflammation and orthotics for helping with the falling arch of my foot that's causing this whole thing.

Anyway it was fine for about a year but lately it's been painful, on and off but more and more so in the last 6 weeks. I finally decided to go to a new doc (since I moved). It was good, I like this doctor a lot better. I feel better taken care of and the injection was much more bareable. I am all bandaged up, I have a bulky foot. And uh, the anesthesia just wore off.

Oh my gosh it hurts like nuts. I just downed 2 advil. Here's hopin'!

Husbun did the dishes, on his birthday no less. What a sweetheart. :hearts

The buns are doing ok. I am not going to be able to manage them free roaming at least today so unfortunately they're going to stay in their pens just for tonight. :grumpy:

Thanks Dave! Aaaand! Thanks so much for the Rabbit Nation mention in your Back to School Buns photo contest! it's adorable :hearts For anyone who is a fan of Kirby and his nation please remember to vote for Dave and Skippery's photo when voting opens :D

So day 1 post injection... My foot still aches like nuts. Advil helps but only for 2 hours and I'm already takin two pills at a time. I got my naproxen prescription filled so I took one o those but I cannot mix it with advil because they are both NSAIDs. So I have to pretty much deal with foot pain until the infalammation subsides. The naproxen is doing a horrible job on my stomach too, as if I need more pain. :( it's so painful!I have a soft cast on and I have to keep it on for 3 days. It's kinda ew. I've never had a cast of any type before. Showering with a plastic bag over my foot was interesting lol

anyways... I don't know when the buns can roam again. I really can't deal with their shenanigans in my immobile state. They disapprove. Bigtime :(

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