myheart wrote:
Andy is perfect at doing all of those types of binkies!!! Baby Zappa just kind of boinks around, at least that is the way it looks because she is so round. I wish I could get some cool video of them, and then we could have a bink-off to see who's bunster has the best style. :biggrin2:
:biggrin2:That would be awesome to have a whole collection of bunny binky videos! I'd like to see Zappa's boinks. They sound hilarious.
Kirby used to do a lot of straight-up-in-the-air binkies and it was hysterical to watch him do it in his pen. But it seems like both bunnies like to do a projectile binky on the carpet and launch their way onto the playmat and "drift" their bums around to make it around the corner back into their rabbit room. It's so much fun to watch the binkies that launch into a full run. It's like they are just bursting with happiness and cannot contain themselves!! :hearts
He's just perfecting his technique for when the glass has water in it!

on't I know it... and the way he did it was so nonchalant too. He just walked up to the glass, made sure I was looking and *bonked* it, with
just enough energy to knock it over. No more, no less. Sheesh.
That's why I started the habit of doing the shuffle-step around the house. Patrick does his happy circles sometimes, but I also have cats that are always underfoot. So I started shuffling around the house because I would rather bump a critter with my foot instead of stepping on them.
I do the shuffle too when I am in the rabbit room. I still have to get used to it in the rest of the apartment since I let them out now. I had literally just woken up, was not feeling 100% and forgot Kirby was out. He was running so fast at me that I just had no control over where my body was about to land. He came out of this whole thing unscathed which I guess is the best outcome I could have hoped for.
I have stepped on their little feetsies before even doing the shuffle, but at least it was a tiny step, not a full on stomp lol.
Toby peed on the mat again. I got pretty mad. Husbun got pretty, pretty mad, since he had to clean it up. He knew he was in big trouble as he was running around avoiding me. I picked him up and lectured him for a few minutes while husbun cleaned. He was pretty scared. He hopped out of my arms and did a full 360 in the air before landing in what looked like a pretty painful plop. I was very scared. He ran for his hidey box. I felt him all up to make sure nothing seemed out of place. He didn't flinch at any of my pressing. I let him out 2 hours later to see if he'd run out and he is having a blast in the living room right now. I assume he's ok

I caught him peeing there soon enough that I think he can associate my lecturing with his wrongdoing. Sigh. I didn't totally lose it like I did a few times before. I am trying to be patient with him more. He's still my baby. He still accepted my petting afterwards.