Tallulah is such a cutie. But no, Macey's ears have always stayed down since I got her. I wish they were airplane ears though, because its so cute.
January 20, 2008
[align=left]About a week ago, Macey and Keira got into a fight...well, Macey attacked her is more like it. It wasn't neither's fault though, it was mine. And I still feel horrible over it so I'm not gonna talk about it. So no more bonding 'till my little bundle of hormones Mace gets spayed...which hopefully will be soon.
[align=left]The fight really made Keira bond to me more, she follows me everywhere and hops on my shoes to get my attention and everything. As you can see above, there was sneakage to inside. ;] But it was necessary so I don't care what my parents think.
[align=left]Macey's been good, not much to say about her. She's become naughtier though since Keira. She always tries to run away from me now. Silly girl.
[align=left]They are both in the storage closet because it is so cold outside! I wish they were inside though...I'd feel a lot better knowing they were warmer.
[align=left]Also, look us up on bunspace and add us!
[align=left]That's it for today.
Montana, Macey, and Keira