Keiran's and Macey's Blog 2008

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Hahah I love the photo of Keiran with his tongue out, it looks like he is licking Macey's ear. :p

Can't believe how much he has grown up, such a handsome bun now!
So I weighed my bunnies today. Macey weighs five pounds and Keiran is up to seven pounds. He's a heavy boy.

We arrived in Georgia today and my bunnies get to be house bunnies! They did really good on the trip. Macey slept the whole way and Keiran hopped back and forth then cuddled to Macey a lot.

I'll have tons of pictures for you guys later. ;)



I'll post more later.
Pictures from a couple weeks back I forgot to post.

The tortoise and the hare



Macey hiding


Macey's first time meeting a kitty.


My handsome devil


Bunspace photo contest prize.

Macey loved the bottom part. Keiran was scared to death of it at first. He even jumped out of his pen and ran across the yard to his hutch just to get away from it. Then it was fine once he seemed it wasn't so scary.







How did I, the person most obsessed with redheaded buns and people in the world, miss out on lovely keiran? He's gorgeous, they both are, really, but I'm verrrryyyy partial to his beautiful coloring.

Sorry I haven't been on so much...well actually, sorry I haven't been posting that much. I've been lurking around trying to stay updated a little bit, but just a quick view here and there, I've been busy. My brother was in from Oklahoma (he's in the army) and left for Korea like a week ago...I've been working, then between my new kitten and the bunnies and housework and stuff, I've been a little busy.

But here's an update on the buns.

They are both doing great. Keiran and Macey got out like two weeks ago and it took me forever to find them. Good thing they were only in my neighbor's yard, and it took me forever to catch them. I need to teach my rabbits come or something because when they are out, like a wild instinct takes over or something...but the reason they got out was because something broke their NIC pen, we think it was the other neighbor's dog they can't keep tied half the time. I've been watching them ever more closely recently.

Then Keiran got out one more time a couple days later, but that was my fault because I accidently left the door open while I went to fill their bowl up. He went to the neighbor's yard again and so I had to catch him again.

Um...what else...

Both are still happy and healthy (knock on wood). That's all I really know what to say. I'll TRY and get photos soon.