Keiran's and Macey's Blog 2008

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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2007
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, West Virginia, USA
[align=center]KEIRA AND MACEY[/align]
[align=center]The WV Hillbunnies [/align]
[align=center]Macey came home to live with us July 23, 2006. She's a holland lop we got from a breeder near us. So far, we've had almost 2 years of great times together. Macey is the greatest rabbit in the world. She's sweet and full of personality and surprises. She's mostly very lazy though. Her favorite treats are jello (which she is only given a tiny bit every once in a while) and tomatoes. Definately my heart rabbit.[/align]
[align=center]Keira began her new life with us on Christmas day, December 25, 2007. She's still just a baby so I'll update this later as we are still learning all kinds of new things about her. She's very sweet and will stop everything just for a nose rub. She loves to hop ontop of everything. She's still incredibly shy and gets scared by everything. She definately binkys and head flicks more than any rabbit I've ever seen. Her favorite treats are probably bananas and craisins.[/align]
January 1, 2008.

It was snowing outside so we had to setup the NIC pens in the building. Macey and Keira kept running up to each other through the panels and sniffed each other, but once Macey tried to bite Keira's nose. Keira kept binkying and everytime she would Macey would look at her like "What do you think you are doing?" Keira just ignored her most of the time, with the occasional run up and sniff.

Keira hasn't been eating her pellets since we got her, but now I think she's good because she's been eating them all. She definatly eats more hay than a freakin' cow. And she's been using her litterbox about half the time so that's a good thing.

Macey hasn't been eating much the past couple days, and her litterbox hasn't been as full as normal.She's drinking normally though. Hope it's just the weather because I get worried about her easily.

That's it for today. :)

Montana, Macey, and Keira
Aw, love the new blog!

Phinn and Cleo did the exact same thing when they were being bonded. At first all Cleo wanted to do was bite Phinn's nose, and Phinn was trying so hard to be nice to her, haha.

Cleo got over it in a couple days ;).

More pictureessss pleeasssseeeeee :biggrin2:
January 2, 2008

It was way too cold to get the rabbits out today. Isn't that mean of me? Dad is gonna move a pole out of the building so I'll have more room to spread their pens out in there.

Little Keira is doing a good job with her litterboxtraining. Still not quite perfect but getting there.

Macey use to have a bad habit of spilling over her pellet bowl, and she stopped for a while, now she's starting to do it again. :?

She said it was too cold for pictures, so you guys only get oneof her.

That's it for today. :)

Montana, Macey, and Keira
They're so beautiful! I swear, Macey and Keira are a couple of the cutest bunnies on this forum. And all the bunnies are adorable, so that's quite the achievement!
Woohoooo :biggrin2: Love your buns and their pics, ok and you too. lol

I gotta ask though, cause I think I might have missed the post... How did you get keira? Was she a surprise or did you know??? :p
Yeah, she was my little Christmas surprise.

January 3, 2008

This is how I have their pens together in the building. That way they have contact with each other if they want to or not. I put some snow in their pen for them to play with and for Keira to get use to before taking them out. They both just ate it, haha.

Macey is a huge snow addict, she loves the snow. When I first got her out and set her in her pen, she was digging at the panels to get out to the snow because I had the door open at the time. I did let her out to play in it but it was deeper than what she was use to. It was so funny watching her hop so high through the snow. I bet that was good excercise for her.

I put Keira in the snow too, she didn't really know what to think of it. After having her with Macey, I picked her back up and we followed Macey around.

I did put them together at the same time because I thought maybe this would be a good chance to see if they are liking each other any better...well...not so much. Macey ignored her at first and hopped through the snow, then came back and sniffed her, then nipped her bottom. Keira jumped and ran right into the snow, literally. I had to dig her out because she was completely covered. Macey kept trying to get her and she kept running so I figured that was enough...after 2 minutes. Man I really hope this works out.

So we went back to the building after following Macey around the yard. I don't think Keira is that use to the cold as Macey is so I wrapped her in a blanket and sat down and rubbed her nose for a while. She really likes that.

Macey though got extremely jealous I guess. I went over to her pen and usually I have to rub her nose before she "grooms" me, but as soon as I kneeled down she attacked my hand with her tongue...and would not stop. Like "Mommy, I'm still your favorite, right? I love youuu!" or something. Poor need to know you'll always be my heart bunny. ;)

So all in all, I bet they'll sleep good tonight after being out all day.


Awww, I love your baby girls so much! They're both so wonderful. Poor little Keira jetting into the snow! Good thing you're there to dig her out and warm her up. Maybe when they're both spayed they'll do better together?

Have you seen the Holland lop I may be getting? She's pretty! There are two pictures of her in my thread in the main forum. She's a Macey cousin! Hopefully she has as great a personality as Macey, too.
January 4, 2008

I got the buns out early today, because Macey needs more run around time because she is getting to be a blubber butt. So I set them in the garage close to each other in their pens. Well...somehow, both Keira and Macey got out of their pens. Teamwork to be freed? I have no clue. All I know is, I need more NIC panels. Buuut, I guess I got their just in time, I don't know, but I walked in, and they both looked at me. They were pretty close together, I freaked out almost and scooped Keira up. I checked her for any injuries or pulled fur or anything...any nothing. I'm surprised, after yesterday I figured Macey would have attacked her or something. So maybe I got there in the nick of time, or Macey is starting to cooperate. I put them back up and went inside. Then I came back out with a little bit of banana (I know, I know, but it's the only thing I had that I knew they both liked. So I'll hold off on the treats for a while. I'll have mom pick up healthier stuff for them next time we go to the store) so I put them on the floor and they ate. Together. It was the cutest thing ever. First they were eating facing each other, then Macey hopped around the garage and came back and ate beside Keira. They were touching, and Keira wasn't freaked out and Macey wasn't nipping bottoms. Then Macey took off and explored the garage, and Keira too. I followed them constantly, but other than a few sniffs here and there they ignored each other. Then I had to leave to change litter and fill waterbottles and all that good stuff, so I put Keira in Macey's pen so she'd have more room and Macey out free in the garage. Don't worry, I was checking in all the time to make sure Macey wasn't getting into anything, plus there wasn't really anything to get in to.

Keira's favorite toy is one of those things you step you'll see in the picture below. She'll jump off it and then as soon as she touched the floor she binkys. It's so cute. And she'll crawl under it and everything. She loves that thing. Ugh, I forgot how much fun it is to have out an unlittertrained rabbit.

And Keira started playing a game I guess with me. I picked up the blanket because she smooshed it all together to spread it back out and she started chasing it. It was so funny, anywhere I moved it she chased it. And I didn't really expect that from thescardy bunny that runs from Macey all the time. It was cute.

Oh, and I learned something about Macey today. I always either have her on the porch or in her pen or somewhere thats a bit enclosed, so everytime she sees me I assumed she got excited and came up to me, because no matter whereshe is she can see me. Well since we was in the garage, I didn't see her, so I hollard "Maceeyyyy, come heree" and she came! I didn't know she knew that. Isn't that coool? I wish she did that out in the yard, instead of going crazy to escape.

Oh, and I had my brother call the vet today. They are bout 45 minutes away from me and they have one person who sees rabbits. They said they don't see a lot but quite a bit of bunnies. And they said that spaying costs $80 dollars. I can so make that easily! Isn't that great? I'm gonna call back later this week or sometime to ask all those technical questions and stuff. I hope this all works out. And the reason I was scared to call is because everytime I call a vet, I get "Sorry, we don't see them" and stuff. I just have bad luck.

That's it for today. :)

Montana, Macey, and Keira
Keira and Tony would have so much fun with blankie chase!!! Does she act like she's going to "get it" and she's a wild bunny?!

She likes a step stool - Tony loves a box to hop up on! He thinks he's really cool up there.

I'm so happy you got her! I can't believe your mom got her for Christmas..... where did she keep her ??
Yes they would! She doesn't act wild, just normal chasing I guess. I'll record it tommorow...but watch her not do it anymore.

Thats how she is. She'll jump on the stool and her igloo...and on me when I'm sitting.

In the garage in Macey's travel cage. And the funny thing is, I've been in the garage and didn't notice! Haha!
January 5, 2008

Okk, well the girls are spending the night together tonight!



I wonder how many weird thoughts I got just now. But it's true. They are in seperate cages but the cages are side by side and they are both in the garage together.

I think Macey is really trying to get along with Keira sometimes. Today I took them in the storage closet and put them down. They both ignored each other and explored. Then I brought some lettuce out for them to eat. Macey came right over and ate, and Keira did until she got freaked out by Macey. She went to the other side of the closet and Macey brought a piece of lettuce to eat with her! Oh my gosh is was the sweetest thing ever. She went to where she was with a big piece, but that Keira got scared and ran off. I wish she would be more confident that Macey isn't gonna eat her...but I guess she has every right to be after getting a nip in the butt the other day. I think we are gonna try another car trip tommorow...

Macey is a featured pet on animal-world! Check it out.

And I think she also won the Bountiful Bunnies Holiday Photo Contest! Thanks for everybody who went and voted for her.

That's it for today. :)

Montana, Macey, and Keira

January 6, 2008

[align=left]That's it for today. :D

Montana, Macey, and Keira[/align]

so are they getting along now? sure looks like macey is getting used to keira!!
January 08, 2008

Well, yesterday I got locked out of my house for almost 2 hours, so I got the buns out on the porch to play. It was so wonderful, we all sat there, me petting and rubbing noses, Macey grooming me tons and Keira some, and Keira enjoying getting groomed.

Main thing was I was glad just because Macey got a new bunny friend didn't make me number two. I'm still number one baby. ;)


Today, Macey remembered how to HUMP. :grumpy: Ugh, I forgot about it. They were so perfect yesterday, then all the sudden Macey gets so dominate. Poor Keira is even more afraid of her now. I was going to put them in to sleep together without panels inbetween but now I have changed my mind. Macey, hopefully you won't do this tommorow. And we'll try this again.

[align=left]That's it for today. :)

Montana, Macey, and Keira[/align]
I think I died from all the cuteness! I love your bunnies... and I hope Macey stops humping Keira soon! Is she just mounting her or humping too? Not ladylike, Macey!
Thanks guys. And this may sound stupid, but I thought mounting was humping? What's the difference?

January 12, 2008

Ughh...bonding went forward really good, then now its been going backwards. This is starting to stress me out badly, and probably my poor bunnies too. I just want this to be over and done with.

[align=left]That's it for today. :?

Montana, Macey, and Keira[/align]