Well-Known Member
what are some ways to keep flies totally away?? these are outside bunnies. i heard of the vanilla way and the mosquito netting. what are more ways? i need all the ideas i can get.
I am supposed to know what "DE" is??
Ok thanks-that makes sense. They are outside but in an enclosed pen with a hutch in it so they can be right on the grass. Their favorite spot is right under the hutch which is, coincidentally, right under one litter pan, so I'm sure there's some stray poo under there. They don't miss much in that litter pan though. Plus they kick poo out of the other litter pan so I can concentrate on that area too. :thanks:Gale,
After I clean out their litter trays and put in fresh paper to line it, I sprinkle the DE on that.
For the outside buns whose cages are elevated above the ground, thus their droppings fall below - I sprinkle DE directly below that space and also around it.
They have a favorite spot where I put their hay that they like to poop at, and I also sprinkle it on that area. Basically, any place I see that their dropping have accumulated is where I put the DE.
I also put the recommended amount in their pellets - it can also be put in their fur if mites or fleas are a concern.
The only thing to be concerned about it getting it in their eyes or nasal passages (as well as your own) because it dries up anything it lands on. It is NOT poisonous.
I order it through this company: