keeping a rabbit out

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Apr 23, 2006
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my roomate just got a rabbit and we let her roamthroughout the house. she keeps getting into my bed though, whichis the one place that i do not want her. my bed is the lower portion ofa bunk bed, with my matress actaully being on the ground, and has asheet draped over it as making it like a cave. how should i go aboutkeeping her out?
Could you use a playpen to block off the side ofthe bed which she gets up on? Or possibly tuck the draped sheet underyour mattress so that she cant get in? I can't really think of anythingelse, hopefully someone else migth have some good ideas for you :)

Ps. Welcome to the forum!
i dont really have anything to block it offwith, and ive tried tucking the sheet under the matress but she alwaysseems to find a way in. thanks for the help tho
Hello and welcome to the forum. I have a few ideas for you but no guarantees as buns have a mind of their own.
1. Bunnies hate strong odors so possible spray perfume or a householddeodorizer on a towel and throw that on your bed. You could leave ashower curtain under it if you don't like strong smells yourself. Whenreading up on this it also said what is not too strong to you is reallystrong for them so be careful.

2. leave the shower curtain on your bed when you are not there, ourbunny does not like to jump up on plastic. Actually the kind you putdown when you are painting is what she hates. (found out by accidentwhen she jumped up on something) poor thing.:(

3. when the rabbit jumps up on the bed tell him/her no and place her onthe floor. Rabbits are very intelligent. A few times may be all ittakes. I was able to train ours to stay off the couch that way. Itreclines and is leather so she could easily get stuck in the holebetween the cushions so her over protective parents don't want to takethe chance.
the scent idea sounds like a great idea. ill try the other two as well. thank you much

Glad to have you as part of the forum. Invite your roomate to join aswell. You would be surprised at the great ideas the members on herehave. I have learned so much. I had a rabbit years ago and did notrealize how much I did not know until I got the one I have now andjoined RO.
*** it is fun to get to know people in the off topic section too.***

I've found that the NIC (Neat Idea) Cubes workwonders. :) You can built a little fence out ofthem that can be configured any way you want, and just put it aroundthe bed when you're not home. If you use twist tiesinstead of the connectors for a good portion of it(eventhough the connectors areremovable, they can beabit of a pain for a lot of panels), it will be really easy to fold upand store.

My whole house is full of them in various sizes, blocking offeverything chewable.

They're not very expensive and theylook okay,too.

sas :)

(and welcome to RO!):welcome
Pipp wrote:
I'vefound that the NIC (Neat Idea) Cubes work wonders.:) You can built a little fence out of them that can beconfigured any way you want, and just put it around the bed when you'renot home. If you use twist ties instead of theconnectors for a good portion of it (even though the connectorsareremovable, they can bea bit of a pain for a lotof panels), it will be really easy to fold up and store.

My whole house is full of them in various sizes, blocking offeverything chewable.

They're not very expensive and theylook okay,too.

sas :)

(and welcome to RO!):welcome
NIC cubes are a great idea. I use those to block certain areas off too, and they are fairly inexpensive!!

Welcome to the board and good luck! :)
We have the same problem with Maisie going underthe couch. We zip tied NIC cube panels together as afence-type thing, put that on the floor in front of the couch, and putsomething heavy in front of it so she couldn't just move it out of theway.

Here's a picture of what I mean. Excuse the goofy look of thepicture...I didn't get too detailed, as I thought it would be fairlyeasy to figure out what I mean. :)

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