Keep Naomi in Your Prayers

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No, her head tilt isn't improving but as far as I can tell, its no worse either.
After 3 weeks of nursing Naomi, I have a new respect for those with special needs rabbits. Naomi's care has taken a lot of my spare time, a lot of early mornings, a lot of cleaning/disinfecting, and a lot of love.

But at the same time, the bond the 2 of us have formed over these weeks is amazing. I loved her before, but now she really is my baby.
So I gave my first bicillin injection today. I took both bunnies to the local vet for an injection demonstration, she showed me how to do it on Chase and then she coached me through doing it on Naomi. It was good to do it under supervision once, otherwise I wouldn't be all that confident doing it on my own.
MyBabyBunnies wrote:
After 3 weeks of nursing Naomi, I have a new respect for those with special needs rabbits. Naomi's care has taken a lot of my spare time, a lot of early mornings, a lot of cleaning/disinfecting, and a lot of love.

But at the same time, the bond the 2 of us have formed over these weeks is amazing. I loved her before, but now she really is my baby.

It's very true you form a very strong bond. :)
They are doing alright, Chase actually hasn't shown symptoms since last week.

The only thing I am a little concerned about is the instructions for frequency of dosage.

I did some figuring and Naomi is on 0.5mL (150,000 units) and Chase is on 0.26mL (78,000 units). Which is fine, that's what I have found in my research to be acceptable. The problem is they told me to give it only once a week and I know for more agressive treatment it can be given once every 2 or 3 days.

So does anyone else see the once a week administration to be somewhat lacking?
5 weeks but she told me this is an antibiotic that can be used for rabbits who are cronically ill and need long term antibiotics. I'm hoping that once this is through, Naomi will have improved and the pasteurella goes into a dormant stage so she can be medication free, at least for a while.
The previous treatment was weekly but it has been shown to be better every other day. The weekly protocol isn't strong enough.
So Naomi and I have been battling headtilt for over a month now. While she isn't back to completely normal, she is happy and seemingly healthy right now. She is more than willing to let me know how much she disapproves of our medication sessions, lol.


This is a little picture calendar of her progress. While her headtilt is fairly constant, looking into it shows that her headtilt now is actually slightly improved. It's also more constant when I pick her up (before it used to get worse).

So despite her obvious handicap, she is doing well and requires very little special care.

Chase is also doing fine by the way. Since starting him on bicillin, his breathing has been fine and there has been no sneezing/discharge.
Sounds like she is doing just fine, Laura. At least her attitude is there :D. I'm sure Stan's Pebbles kind of stayed the same for a while, before continuing to improve.

Glad Chase is doing OK. Such a cute couple!

Naomi seems way more sensitive to noise since she got sick. She never used to care about loud noises but now she runs and hides. But at least I know she can still hear!

On a great note... here are some promising photos... (knock on wood: her head seems to slowly be improving)


That probably means the ear infection is clearing up well! She does look better and I hope she continues to right herself! But if not, she can just be a bit quizzical, it's cute!
Every day Naomi is showing a little improvement.

For weeks she has not been as interested in food as normal. But yesterday she chased Chase in circles and took the treat right out of his mouth, lol.

For the first time in 6 weeks, Naomi and Chase's food bowl has been empty/nearly empty for the last 2 days.

When I cleaned her cage today, she was nibbling on my shoes, climbing over my legs, and just plain old getting in the way, lol.

So gradually she is improving, both physically and mentally. Her care has been somewhat exhausting with the early mornings and need to keep her cage and herself extra clean but it has been worth it. I'm just glad that her handicap doesn't affect her quality of life very much at this point.
Yes it is, and probably the best thing to come from all of this is that me and her have bonded a lot since the start of this. And not only her, but Chase as well. His personality has improved a ton, he now comes and investigates, he doesn't run from me at all and he ever sits at the gate and begs which is unusual for him!