Kaytee water bottle...anyone else have probs with them??

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I use theCritterCanteen 16oz waterbottle for Pebbles. I use a bowl for Pepsi. She slurps her water.. shesticks her whole mouth in and slurps.. hmm odd rabbit lol! I like thebowls better then the bottle, easier to clean. I'm also worried aboutbacteria in the plastic if you use them for a long time, not sure ifthat's true or not but hmm.
This is the kind I have, with the lil floatingduckie... still not quite sure what it's purpose is. It's agood bottle... but... the plastic holder thingy stretches or warpsafter a few fills. Mine still holds the bottle up, it's just a littlecrooked.
Hey, thanks for the idea! I'll check it out. :)

Jeff wrote:
Sorry if this is a bit late,but I have a nice Living World brand bottle by Hagen that came with mycage. It had a dripping problem as well but if I tilt it backwards abit from the outside of the cage it won't drip at all. Tryexperimenting with different angles on the bottle.

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