Well-Known Member
Does anyone else's bun like to be held on theirback like a baby? Rabbit loves it! I get her out at least four times aday and just hold her like that...its so precious!
this sounds jsut like my daisy she cant stand being on ehr back but she doesnt really like being held at all!Savannah1687
You lucky Lady!:great:
Mongo can't stand to be on His back, if you hold him likethat for more then a second or two he starts kicking likecrazy.:sad: He will let us holdhimcradled between the forearm and side of the body where hecan hide his headbetween your elbow andside.:dunno: for a little while anyway.:biggrin:
"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"