:bunnynurse: Excellent Bunnycare, better than our US Medicare! lol My doctors didn't even lift much less fluff a pillow for me! Need more Doc Wilburs!!!!! Great job, Doc Wilbur!!!! I especially appreciate the "no poop or pee" bedside manners!!!! lol Please be sure to pay his bill promptly with his favorite treat! Don't think either of my bunny girls would give me the "poop &/or pee free" bedside manners, at least not for long! My Hope would be digging her way to China through my bed mattress! lol Excellent care, Doc Wilbur! Keep it up! Hope you are continuing to improve & feel better every day!
Oh, when you are feeling better we will need to chat birds/cockatoos! I love cockatoos & have 2, a lesser sulfur-crested & a Moluccan. I've loved the corellas but never had the opportunity to have one. Would love to hear more about your Long billed corella & his personality. Take care & get well soon!