Just Chillin' with Wilbur Wabbit

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Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2014
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Tasmania, Aus.
Hi All, not sure if this the right place to post. just thought I'd post some pics of Wilbur Wabbit chillin with me while I recover from treatment.:bed: He a real bedhog though, going to have to teach him some manners for sharing the bed I'se think!:humour:

Wilbur Wabbit 10-2-14 005.JPG

Wilbur Wabbit 10-2-14 001.JPG

Wilbur Wabbit 10-2-14 002.JPG
What's up, Doc? lol Wilbur looks like he has a good bedside manner! Doc Wilbur will make it all better! Get well soon! How can you not with an adorable bunny to watch over you?
Apebull,yes he got lovely manners. He was running around (on the bed) doing his little bunny kicks,using me has a speed hump! But in saying that I did get a lot of whisker kisses:biggrin2:

Yes, Doc Wilbur (this will stick now:adorable:) makes going through treatment bearable,his little antics even though they rock the bed do make me smile and forget. So yes ,I thinks 'Doc Wilbur' was a great idea :love:it

cheers shooni
Hahahaha Crystalkate that's what i was wondering too :)
Awesome to see him so relaxed and feeling at home.
He is such a cutie. I wish I could get my 4 bunnies on the bed.. 2 would be flying all over the place and the other two would be fighting each other!

He is adorable. Please post more photos!

How precious! I absolutely adore how animals can sense when we are not feeling our best, and always seem to provide the most incredible level of care, one that no human could come near. They are so therapeutic!

Feel better soon, Shooni! Warm hugs and best wishes in a speedy recovery <3
Doc Wilbur prescribes lots of bed rest & bunny snuggles after thoroughly examining the bed for comfort & sleepability! This bed & its mattress has Doc Wilbur's Bunny Seal of Approval! lol Hope you will be feeling better soon! Oh, & Doc Wilbur says Reader's Digest is right, laughter is the best medicine after bunny snuggles! lol :bunnynurse:
Hi All, thankyou all for your warm wishes and yes 'Doc Wilbur' is on the case he even pillow testing this morning.

Crystalkate & Tammy B, No he doesn't poop on the bed. The only place he poops is his pen,litter tray and for some reason near my Longbilled corella's cage! But not on the bed :biggrin2:

I got some pics of him pillow testing, he even has the good manners to washup first (like all good doctors :humour:)

cheers shooni

Doc Wilbur Bed Tester 015.JPG

Doc Wilbur Bed Tester 017.JPG

Doc Wilbur Bed Tester 020.JPG
:bunnynurse: Excellent Bunnycare, better than our US Medicare! lol My doctors didn't even lift much less fluff a pillow for me! Need more Doc Wilburs!!!!! Great job, Doc Wilbur!!!! I especially appreciate the "no poop or pee" bedside manners!!!! lol Please be sure to pay his bill promptly with his favorite treat! Don't think either of my bunny girls would give me the "poop &/or pee free" bedside manners, at least not for long! My Hope would be digging her way to China through my bed mattress! lol Excellent care, Doc Wilbur! Keep it up! Hope you are continuing to improve & feel better every day!

Oh, when you are feeling better we will need to chat birds/cockatoos! I love cockatoos & have 2, a lesser sulfur-crested & a Moluccan. I've loved the corellas but never had the opportunity to have one. Would love to hear more about your Long billed corella & his personality. Take care & get well soon!
How adorable! Looks like Dr. Wilbur is definitely staying on top of this case.

You tell Wilbur that he is doing an AWESOME job taking care of his Mum!! Even testing your pillows, what a helpful little man! Tonnes of bunny kisses and head scribs (you want to keep the doctor happy), I think, are a definite part of any successful treatment. Continue taking such good care of eachother! Best of luck with treatment!
Hi All, thanks for the well wishes I am feeling stronger each day under the care of Doc Wilbur. When my husband brings him in to me he runs up (over me,mind you :D) and gives me/my nose a good whisker tickle and a lick this morning. He then does the morning rounds of inspecting the bed and finally testing the pillows, he likes to stretch out behind my head where he has easy access for nose tickles or a head pat:hug:

Tauntz, Birds were my first passion, I bred and handreared many over the years and would love to talk Cockatoo's with you. Australia's natives are absolutely gorgous,my LBC 'Norman' is my pride and joy (sorry kids:imsorry:)

I have a knew saying 'Never Fear Doc Wilbur is here' it gets a giggle out of my specialist anyway.:roflmao:

cheers shooni
I love hearing about Doc Wilbur, he's doing such a good job :) I love Australian birds too. I've never owned one, but bird watching and photography is my favourite hobby. All of the cockatoos are such characters, even in the wild, they are a joy to watch.

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