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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2007
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario Canada, Ontario, Canada
1. When are you most alert morning or night?

2. What is you favorite thing to eat; vegetables, meat, or equal amounts of both?

3. Do you prefer to be inside or outside?

4. At what temperature are you most comfortable; when you are hot, cold, or warm?

5. Do you like to get wet?

6. Would you consider yourself as a quiet, calm person or an active person?

7. Would you rather be by yourself or with lots of other people?

8. What do you do when you get nervous?

9. What do you do when you get angry?

10. What do you do when you are happy?

11. What do you do when you are sad?

12.Do you have any interesting habits? If so please list them
Brandy456 wrote:
1. When are you most alert morning or night?


2. What is you favorite thing to eat; vegetables, meat, or equal amounts of both?

Vegetables (I am a vegetarian)
3. Do you prefer to be inside or outside?


4. At what temperature are you most comfortable; when you are hot, cold, or warm?

I guess I would say cool. We set our A/C at 78.

5. Do you like to get wet?


6. Would you consider yourself as a quiet, calm person or an active person?

Quiet calm person

7. Would you rather be by yourself or with lots of other people?

By myself

8. What do you do when you get nervous?

Clean house

9. What do you do when you get angry?

Clean house and go into silent mode. Stomp around a lot while cleaning.

10. What do you do when you are happy?

Nothing in particular. I tend to talk more. I just enjoy whatever it is I happen to be doing.

11. What do you do when you are sad?

Curl up on the couch and feel sorry for myself while cuddling a bunny.

12.Do you have any interesting habits? If so please list them
1. When are you most alert morning or night?

2. What is you favorite thing to eat; vegetables, meat, or equal amounts of both?

3. Do you prefer to be inside or outside?
outside in the fall, winter and early spring, inside during late spring and summer, whenit's hot:D

4. At what temperature are you most comfortable; when you are hot, cold, or warm?
cool. i.e. Florida winters

5. Do you like to get wet?

if i'm dressed for it. but my insulin pump can't get wet,so i really have to plan for it and be dressed and take the pump off:p

6. Would you consider yourself as a quiet, calm person or an active person?

both. i can be quiet, but if one of the kids at church isn't listening or something...watch out:biggrin2:!

7. Would you rather be by yourself or with lots of other people?

neither. i'd rather be with a few close friends.

8. What do you do when you get nervous?


9. What do you do when you get angry?

fum, yell, give who ever i'm ticked at a piece of my mind.

10. What do you do when you are happy?

i get hyper, bounce around the house. if i'm with friends and haveto act like a sane person, i just grin....and still get a bit hyper:D

11. What do you do when you are sad?


12.Do you have any interesting habits? If so please list them

I like to twirl my hair. esp. when i'm bored or there's guys around, doesn't matter if i like them or not, i still twirl my hair more around guys.

i 'steal' babies. for example, right now my mom's friends daughter has a 10 month old. they go to church with us and half the time i'm the one holding him. either because i took him from some one or his sister had him and he got too heavy for her so she gave him to me:D.

i can't think of any more at the moment:)

1. When are you most alert morning or night?

2. What is you favourite thing to eat; vegetables, meat, or equal amounts of both?

3. Do you prefer to be inside or outside?

4. At what temperature are you most comfortable; when you are hot, cold, or warm?

5. Do you like to get wet?

6. Would you consider yourself as a quiet, calm person or an active person?

7. Would you rather be by yourself or with lots of other people?

8. What do you do when you get nervous?
Worry... but do it anyway.

9. What do you do when you get angry?

10. What do you do when you are happy?

11. What do you do when you are sad?
Sit and stare into the distance

12.Do you have any interesting habits? If so please list them
Erm.... no

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
1) When are you most alert -- morning or night?
Definitely at night since it's well after 11:00am here and I'm still having trouble focusing and keeping my eyes open!

2) What is your favorite thing to eat -- vegetables, meat, or equal amounts of both?
Since fruits aren't listed, I'll have to go with meat as I'm very finicky about veggies.

3)Do you prefer to be inside or outside?
I definitely prefer to be outdoors during the spring, summer, and fall. But I hate cold and am therefore not a huge fan of winter. I stay in andcuddle up in my blankets with the dogs and bunnies.

4) At what temperature are youmost comfortable -- when you're hot, cold, or warm?
I'd prefer to be hot over cold, but I like it when it's a bit cool since I like spring and fall clothes better than summer ones.

5) Do you like to get wet?
I love swimming and being near the water, butI don't like getting wet if itwasn't in my plan for the day.There's nothing worse than sitting in a car with a wet butt!

6)Would you consider yourself a quiet, calm person or an active person?
I'm pretty well-rounded in that respect, so I'd say I'm equally calm and active.

7) Would you rather be by yourself or with lots of other people?
I'd prefer to be alone rather than in a largecrowd. But I'm most comfortable in a small group of friends or on the couch, alone,with dogs piled on top of me!

8) What do you do when you get nervous?
I tend to talk...a lot. And I also have a tendency to pick at my fingers or pull out myhair. I know -- it's weird!I also get my best cleaningdone when I'm worried about something. Oh, and did I mention I obsess like none other?!

9) What do youdo when you get angry?
See above and just add in cry, cry, cry, cry, cry.

10) What do you do when you're happy?
If I'm in a good mood, you'll probably hear me sing silly made-up songsfor my animals or just be in a joking/sarcastic/comedic kind of mood.

11) What do you do when you're sad?
I don't typically handle sadness very well and instead turn it into anger or frustration. But I do cry a lot when I'm upset and become very quiet and introverted which is the exact opposite of my normal mood and behavior.

12) Do you have any interesting habits? If so, please list them.
-- I think I wrote earlier that I occasionally will yank out my own hair. So, that's definitely one.
-- I am always singing something about someone. I never stop. Okay, well maybe when I'm sleeping, but I'm singing every other time of the day.
-- I'm very OCD. It's not interesting, but it's true.
(You know, this question is too difficult for me and, frankly, y'all don't want to hear about every ounce of craziness that's in me, do you? He he...so I'll leave it as is and just move on.)

1. When are you most alert morning or night?late night

2. What is you favorite thing to eat; vegetables, meat, or equal amounts of both? fruit, veggie, breads

3. Do you prefer to be inside or outside? Outside.

4. At what temperature are you most comfortable; when you are hot, cold, or warm? warm

5. Do you like to get wet? yes

6. Would you consider yourself as a quiet, calm person or an active person?I consider myself calm and quiet

7. Would you rather be by yourself or with lots of other people? by myself

8. What do you do when you get nervous? Depends on the situation. Sometimes I stutter.

9. What do you do when you get angry? Clean house

10. What do you do when you are happy?

11. What do you do when you are sad?

12.Do you have any interesting habits? If so please list them

1. When are you most alert morning or night?

2. What is you favorite thing to eat; vegetables, meat, or equal amounts of both?


3. Do you prefer to be inside or outside?


4. At what temperature are you most comfortable; when you are hot, cold, or warm?


5. Do you like to get wet?

Depends -A. on what I'm wearing and B. Where i'm going

6. Would you consider yourself as a quiet, calm person or an active person?

Errm Neither of them I'm plain HYPERRR and LOUD

7. Would you rather be by yourself or with lots of other people?

Lots of my friends!

8. What do you do when you get nervous?

Bite mynails

9. What do you do when you get angry?

"Scream ARGGGh"

10. What do you do when you are happy?

Smile and be loud and hyper - im happy a lot!

11. What do you do when you are sad?

Cry and not do anything

12.Do you have any interesting habits? If so please list them
I bite my nails alot!
1. When are you most alert morning or night?

I would say both. I am a night person but I can also be a morning person, espcecially if its for a rabbit show.

2. What is you favorite thing to eat; vegetables, meat, or equal amounts of both?

I love veggies and fruits more than meat.

3. Do you prefer to be inside or outside?

I love the outdoors! I love to go hiking, camping anything. I like the inside on really cold days.

4. At what temperature are you most comfortable; when you are hot, cold, or warm?
Warm is perfect. If its too hot i cool down inthe pool. And too cold,I am usuallybundled up inblankets with hot chocolate.

5. Do you like to get wet?

Yes but only if its really hot outside.

6. Would you consider yourself as a quiet, calm person or an active person?

I am all of that!!

7. Would you rather be by yourself or with lots of other people?

Itdepends. I like to beby myself more I guess.

8. What do you do when you get nervous?

I don't think I do anything really. When I'm bored though, I play with my earrings and myring.

9. What do you do when you get angry?

I yell, get mad haha. I destruct things.

10. What do you do when you are happy?

I just be happy!! And enjoy the time.

11. What do you do when you are sad?

Cry or go to the bunnies and just tell them about stuff.

12.Do you have any interesting habits? If so please list them
Uhm I don't really know if I do. Probably not. I do have to sleep on certian sides though, my right side or my stomach.
1. When are you most alert morning or night?
Late at night I think....

2. What is you favorite thing to eat; vegetables, meat, or equal amounts of both?
Both :)

3. Do you prefer to be inside or outside?
Outside, if it's nice weather

4. At what temperature are you most comfortable; when you are hot, cold, or warm?
When I'm slightly cold- I always find much easier and nicer to warm yourself up when cold than to try and cool yourself down when too hot! :p

5. Do you like to get wet?
Yes, if I'm wearing the appropriate attire LOL!

6. Would you consider yourself as a quiet, calm person or an active person?
Calm and quiet these days I'd say...

7. Would you rather be by yourself or with lots of other people?
By myself, or with a few close friends, but most often by myself..

8. What do you do when you get nervous?
Worry, and feel very, very sick... :?

9. What do you do when you get angry?
Slam things around and sigh very loudly.... if it's Steve I'm angry at, shout at him lol! :p

10. What do you do when you are happy?
Laugh. At everything

11. What do you do when you are sad?
Listen to sad music.... :(

12.Do you have any interesting habits? If so please list them
I have some strange habits, but I don't think that any of them are interesting! :?

Brandy456 wrote:
1. When are you most alert morning or night?

I'd say probably at nighttime. I'm a night person

2. What is you favorite thing to eat; vegetables, meat, or equal amounts of both?

I like to eat equal amounts of both. I love my chicken, pork, bacon, and then I love my carrots, salads, etc.

3. Do you prefer to be inside or outside?

I prefer to be outside...It's beautiful outside as I type this, but today is just a lazy sunday....but I do like to be outside when I can :)

4. At what temperature are you most comfortable; when you are hot, cold, or warm?

Preferably when I'm warm...like 65 degrees is perfect...

5. Do you like to get wet?

Yes! I love swimming....so I love water...lol. I mean you have to like getting wet because you have to shower/bathe.

6. Would you consider yourself as a quiet, calm person or an active person?

Uhm kind of both....I'm very active at times and others I'm very quiet/calm.

7. Would you rather be by yourself or with lots of other people?

Hmm that can go either way. Sometimes I like to be with others and sometimes I like to be alone...but for the most part, I like to be with others.

8. What do you do when you get nervous?

Uhm I dont really do anything when i get nervous...I mean I do sweat sometimes haha, butother than that, I do have a "trademark"when i get nervous, but I can only remember what it is when im actually nervous, lol.

9. What do you do when you get angry?

Try to be alone....sometimes I'll like toss things/rip things up when i'm SUPER frustrated...

10. What do you do when you are happy?

Haha whatever makes me happy. lol. Most the time I dance and befunny...cuz I like making people laugh so yah..

11. What do you do when you are sad?

Listen tomusic.Be alone also....sometimes I'll cry ifI'm really sad...i guess.

12.Do you have any interesting habits? If so please list them
Interesting habits? Uhmm.... ya know I'm not really sure. lol. habits....uhm I really love to edit things...My mom says I'd make a great editor/journalist....I don't know why but editing papers/essays/stories it's just really fun to me... I never let my nails grow long...I always bite them, and it makes me mad taht I can't keep them long! Lol. Uhm lets see, what else? I dont really think there is anything else about me, well that I can think of anyway, lol.
1) When are you most alert -- morning or night?
Neither. I am always sleepy!

2) What is your favorite thing to eat -- vegetables, meat, or equal amounts of both?
Veggies, raw!

3)Do you prefer to be inside or outside?
Inside in A/C in the hot or rainy weather, and outside in the cold (fall and winter).
I hate the heat....probably shouldn't have moved to AZ...lol.

4) At what temperature are youmost comfortable -- when you're hot, cold, or warm?
COLD. I'd rather freeze. I am always hot and I can't stand to sweat or feel yucky-hot...ughhh.

5) Do you like to get wet?
Noooo! I can take a shower and that is it. I don't really like water, but don't mind letting the tide water from oceans run over my feet on a sandy beach.

6)Would you consider yourself a quiet, calm person or an active person?
I can be all...depends on my moods.

7) Would you rather be by yourself or with lots of other people?
By myself, with Ryan, or with people I actually like, but not a ton of people.

8) What do you do when you get nervous?
Bite my lip rings, look around a lot, get a stomach ache, feel like passing out, ect, ect, ect....I get nervous a lot.

9) What do youdo when you get angry?
I pretty much want to hit something...then go eat some chocolate ice cream.

10) What do you do when you're happy?

11) What do you do when you're sad?
I try to be happy. It all depends on what I am sad over.

12) Do you have any interesting habits? If so, please list them.
Sometimes when I am concentrating on forums or photoshop...I wiggle my nose like a bunny...my mom taught me how when I was young.

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