I had to wait for my car to be fixed so wedidn't get to Tucker Town untilabout 1:30p on Saturday. Melissa& Shawn were already there.
Cali Gurl has gotten even bigger since I saw her in July...Oh my, whata mush though. I got Cali kisses!! Tucker Buck is still his adorablelittle self, I don't know why Carolyn thinks he's so difficult. Faunais just the sweetest...loves to sleep a lot.
We had some afternoon knoshes and refreshments (including yummybruchetta on yummy bread! And

). Played someScrabble. Watched "Race Rabbit".
We fired up the grill and heated up the sausage & peppers onit. It worked really well and we didn't have to get the apartment warmwith the oven on. Mellissa and Shawn brought up great Italian bread andmade garlic bread. MMMMM!! Made a salad, but forgot to put it out(lottsa salad for lunch, Carolyn

). Cheescake and eclair cake fordesert.... compliments of Mellissa...Well Done & yum again!!BunnyMom arrived in time to have dinner and desert with us, too.
Sunday brunch was pasta salad (ya had to be there

) and then wewalked down to the Lake to stick our toes in the water...brrrrrrrr.It's a really nice recreational area for the community. Swimming,boating, picnic area with grills....they even had designated "fihsing"ponds for the kids.
BBQ'd for lunch on Sunday. Fresh corn grilled in the husks, hotdogs&hamburgers, more pasta salad. I was stuffed and hada great time. We watched "The Amittyville Horror" (original version)afterwards.
We got on the road around 4pm to head home. Stopped at the TSC andbought some Woody Pet. I would have loved to roam around in the TSC,but we wanted to get home by dinnertime...which we did.
A good time was had by all......THANKS CAROLYN !!!!!