JULY 9, 2005 - Boathouse Bunnies Party

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JimD wrote:
FreddysMom wrote:
im jealousi cant be there :?
...aren't you off for sun & fun in Myrtle Beach??

Seems like we should be the jealous ones! ;)
yepp! me n the dad (the bestest man alive may i add!) hanginout for a week! but that doesnt mean i dont want to be havin some funin the sun at a bunny BBQ!!
FreddysMom wrote:
JimD wrote:
FreddysMom wrote:
im jealousi cant be there :?
...aren't you off for sun & fun in Myrtle Beach??

Seems like we should be the jealous ones! ;)
yepp! me n the dad (the bestest man alive may i add!) hanginout for a week! but that doesnt mean i dont want to be havin some funin the sun at a bunny BBQ!!
4 MORE DAYS!!!:groupparty:

..and then we have to start planning the next one so FreddysMom can join us :D
DaisyNBuster wrote:
Have fun everyone. Hope the weather is forcast to be nice for you!


Thanks Vickie!!

Forecast calls for...Partly sunny...Highs in thelower80s...

However, the weather is secondary to spending the day with good friends...ya know.

After my recentoutdoor experience, may I make a suggestion? If thunderstorms move in,avoid thelightning!

Laura wrote:
I have another suggestion:

Don't put any duct tape over any holes!


Those nasty Yellow Jackets are all gone now. I had theexterminator come over and treat the place. One or twostragglers are left, but they're quickly dealt with now. :)

* * * * *

As luck would have it, the Mason's are having their Lobster Cookoff onSaturday. They do this once a month from June -September. For about $13 or soper lobster (1.5lbs.), you order a lobster (before the 20th) and they get them in Maineand then cook them. People show up between 4 - 6 to pick uptheir order. If anyone that's coming to the barbeque isinterested, let me know and I'll reserve a lobster for you.

Saturdayhere nowguys! Have a goon un!!!!



*EDIT* Oops I'm on Alyssa's account.
hope everyones having a great time(which i knowyou are). Ill try to make it to the next one..whenever that might be .With all 8 of my little trouble makers.