He's a purebred (presumably) JerseyWooly. He was confiscated from an overpopulatedbreeder. He doesn't have papers but he's probably purebred orclose to it.
We had 2 hours of agression free playtimetoday!! It was very exciting. Up until now I had tocage Judy while letting Howie roam, either that or sit right with themand pet them both to deter her from feeling the need to ram her headinto his butt. Silly Judy. But today she seems tohave decided that it's ok to have him around. They did alotof ignoring each other and a tiny bit of grooming, which I was excitedabout. They sat in Howie's litter box and ate haytogether. It was a cuteness overload. So things aregoing extremely well!
If things keep getting better at this rate I feel like they'll be ableto share a cage and space 24/7 in a couple of weeks without any causefor worry. They're becoming fast friends.
I'll be happy to answer any questions I can, but Howie and Judy'sbonding is pretty abnormally easy. We had no fighting everand only slight aggression when introducing Howie into Judy's space, soI don't know if I'll be of much help. I read up on bunnybonding in the rabbit care links on the forum and they had some greatideas. But I feel like what helped most with us was justgiving them time in the same room, both cage... and switching thembetween the cages I think helped too. But time. Youhave lots of patience with your monkeys so I'm sure you'll be able todo it. Good luck!
Things went nicely this morning. Thehappy couple shared some greens and each had a raisin for goodbehavior. Howie, the little stud, is actually getting whippedinto shape by his lady. He hasn't tried to get frisky withher since their first couple of dates and he's learning to oblige herwhen she asks for kisses. It's all going quite well.
Well, I see he is a REAL man and gettingperfectly trained by his bride to be. Sounds like things aremoving right along here. Keep us posted on the wedding date.
The lovebuns have been together unsupervised(save a few peaks and feeding time) for nearly 72 hours now!I got some advice from someone at the rescue who has lots of bondingexperience and she suggested giving them some time to themselves thefirst few days to cement that bond with each other... So I've stayedout of the way. I have seen a little grooming and they tendto be near each other whenever I come into the room. They'regetting cuddly with each other! Howie's cage is gone from theroom and he's learning to use the big cage as a home base and pottystop. At the moment I have 2 litterboxes out.Judy'ster box is a large storage bin. She digs so sheneeds the high sides. Howie hasn't quite figured out what'sgoing on in the big box yet, so he needs a short box. I tosshim into the big box once in a while and he seems to know what it'sfor, but I've never seen him hop in of his own free will. Iknow he can jump high enough. That boy is bouncy!
So all is going well in Judy's kingdom. We've had a littlebit of marking going on, but nothing serious. I think I'llgive the room a good cleaning today, try to deal with the litterboxissues, and get the kids into a new routine together! Morepictures on the way!
I'm so happy for you, Judy and Howie. Iam so glad they are getting along so well. They are both so precious.Thank you for letting us know how good they are doing together.