Jordiwes, Gentle Giants, Crystalball, Sayuri, Luna21 and Luvmyzoocrew Pregnancy Watch

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Sayuri wrote:
gentle giants wrote:
jordiwes wrote:
Okay, here's me about a week ago. Sorry about the half pj/ half dressed look.
Oh, man, now I'm jealous, LOL. When I am pregnant, ALL of me grows! I think my butt got as big as my belly! You look great, except for your belly you are still skinny. Congrats! :biggrin2:

Oh I SO know Im going to be in the same boat as I dont know one bit of me that doesnt feel puffy already. If my ****s get any bigger they are going to need their own postcode!
I so know what you mean! I am nursing Timothy, and I was going to go get a couple new bras a few days ago. Wal-Mart didn't have any big enough! And that's not bragging, I have a backache all the time now. :?
Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
have you taken Clomid or anything else? I am on my second cycle of Clomid and will test in four days and hopefully it will be +
Nope not on Clomid. My doc wants to see if I can get pregnant on my own first before we try any fertility drugs. Then we'll see. But with everything I have I'm just hoping I can have one in general.

However, for theUTI I had I was on Macrobid, which I had a very bad allergic reaction to, so they put me on Cipro for 5 days (in the very beginning of Feb.). They didn't put me on antibiotics for the Upper Res. Infection. Wondering if that antibiotic screwed up my cycletoo.

So, I don't know what's going on. But usually I feel very bloated and ready for AF, but I don't feel that way at all.

Sorry all, not trying to hijack the thread. I'm just excited by the pregnancy concept!

BTW, Jordiwes, you look FANTASTIC! I know when I get pregnant, I'm going to look like the blueberry girl from Willy Wonka!

I envy your figure!
gentle giants wrote:
Oh I SO know Im going to be in the same boat as I dont know one bit of me that doesnt feel puffy already. If my ****s get any bigger they are going to need their own postcode!

I so know what you mean! I am nursing Timothy, and I was going to go get a couple new bras a few days ago. Wal-Mart didn't have any big enough! And that's not bragging, I have a backache all the time now. :?
Ha ha I clearly remeber when "my milk came in" uuggghhh, I felt like Pamela Anderson gone wrong :shock:. I have to say that with each of the kids it got worse. The only nice thing about "them" was that they were where they were suppose to be onmy body, as oppose to where they normally are :laugh:
Awww, you guys are so sweet. I'm one of those people with a super easy pregnancy, who gains the perfect amount of weight.

Due date is in 5 days! I can't believe it.

((hugs)) to you all.
WOW!! 5 days! Woohoo! How exciting!!

Are you excited? Or nervous? Do you have everything all prepared?

I remember when it was 5 days before my duedate (which was Valentine's Day)...oh man, the excitement!!

Can't wait to see your cutie-pie! :D
You guys are so pretty! When I was pregnant I looked like a hippo.


My youngest child is 12 and I still look like a hippo. Wonder when I'll lose this pregnancy fat......... :ponder:

:big wink:
Crystal you too look great.

I am jealous all you people with baby bellies, I had baby butt, baby belly, baby thighs, baby 2nd chin................. :ponder:.................. hey i still have it????
Thanks so much :)
I dont know how, but I've only gained about 13 lbs so far. Although, I always thought u were suppose to have this HUGE appetite when u were pregnant. I don't. I get full very easily. So maybe that helps. And also, my cravings are Fruit. I can't get enough fruit.

If you know anyone that can knit, get them to make this little bunny hat:

It's super cute. I can't figure out how to do the picot cast on, but once I do I'm making one for Jordiwes' little girl. I'll post pictures of it once I'm done, and I might be able to make some for others and mail them.

Crystal you look great, too! :)

And that bunny hat is sooooo cute!

You guys have definately put me off having kids lol. I don't look that great to start with, I dread to think what I'll look like when/if I'm pregnant!

aurora369 wrote:
If you know anyone that can knit, get them to make this little bunny hat:

It's super cute. I can't figure out how to do the picot cast on, but once I do I'm making one for Jordiwes' little girl. I'll post pictures of it once I'm done, and I might be able to make some for others and mail them.


i looked at the pattern and i think that you could get away with just doing a regular cast on. you just won't have the edging; but you might end up screaming with frustration if you're not sure how to do it(and let's face it, 56 is quite a bit!).

i've been knitting for almost four years(i learned how to knit mon. and on wen. i got diabetes:p:shock:!), and i've come to the conclusion that some things must be skipped for my sanity!

every body looks so pretty! hope y'all and your little blessings are doing well!

Oooh, perhaps the little Jordiweslet is making her way into the world! My thoughts are with them for a safe, not too painful delivery!

And that bunny hat with the ears is ADORABLE!
Crystalballl wrote:
And also, my cravings are Fruit. I can't get enough fruit.

Ditto!!!!! Oh the fruit salads and smoothies I have been making. Yummmmm........

I'm still around btw. Power went out at my house yesterday. False alarm ;).

And Dawn, you're so sweet for wanting to knit something for the baby! You must come visit the island this summer!