Jordiwes, Gentle Giants, Crystalball, Sayuri, Luna21 and Luvmyzoocrew Pregnancy Watch

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ME TOO! This baby factory is CLOSED!!!!

Can't wait to hear from the girls having little ones tho! I love babies - that I can hand back to their mommies when they cry or poop. :biggrin2:

pamnock wrote:
Count me OUT on this one LOL

Bo B Bunny wrote:
ME TOO! This baby factory is CLOSED!!!!

Can't wait to hear from the girls having little ones tho! I love babies - that I can hand back to their mommies when they cry or poop. :biggrin2:

pamnock wrote:
Count me OUT on this one LOL


that's what mom says, LOL. we need pics/updates!!! hope every body's doing well.

Proof why I can definitely live without MORE children...

As I mentioned earlier, we gave my 15 year old his dads old 2001 Dodge Ram Quad. he goes out several times a night to check on the truck. Our neighbor has a heinous evil cat that likes to sit on things that don't belong to it, resulting in scratches on the paint job.

Last night it was sitting on the hood of my sons truck.. so he went in and grabbed the pellet gun, and shot repeatedly at the cat....while the cat was still sitting on the hood of the truck..

Anybody else get the stupidity of that action?
Ohhh! Any news yet? :shock: Best wishes for a quick, easy delivery!

(This is a LOT more fun than doing it again myself! The only "buns" I'm going to have in an "oven" will be the 4 legged, long eared versions!)
Well, my bun is officially out of the oven, LOL. We went in for ther induction on Tuesday morning, andTimothy arrived Wednesday at 4:48 pm. So a loooong couple of days! But he is here and healthy now, we are home from the hospital and doing good. He wieghed 7lbs 15 oz and is 20 inches long.




What a pretty baby!! His skin is so gorgeous! (a lot of babies have like blotches and stuff).......

Congratulations! I'm just so happy for you!
Oh how beautiful you both are! Congrats! I hope you are able to get lots of rest now and spend some time with your sweet boy!
That is a pretty baby..

Mine were all splotchy..

he is so cute, if I still had a uterus, it would be hurting..LOL

Congrats to you all!
He's absolutely beautiful!

Give him lots of kisses for me, and make sure to enjoy his new born smell while it lasts.

I wish I could pick him up and give him some cuddles.

