Joey's in stasis

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I'm wondering how Joey's doing too. :ponder:

Hi Everybody,,,sorry I left for solong.Joey is doing better but it has been astruggle. Sometimes I get so stressed that I can't talk about it andthats what happened this week. Even though it is necessary to forcefeed and give meds it was extremely difficult with Joey as he struggledand fought everything I did and I almost can't stand it. Heis not a trusting bunny anyway. He is eating on his own now and hispoops still aren't 100% but better. I talked to the vet today and Icancut back on some of the additionto this one of the shelter rabbits (we sexed her wrong) had six babiesyesterday . I feel very sad about this as I am afraid they will nevermake it to homes. So I guess I am sort of depressed.
Aww you poor thing. Joey sounds like he's doingbetter! Try to get into a good mood, rabbit can sense when someone ishappy and, you do know it's contagious ;)!

To get you into a happy mood, try singing to your bunny! I say it's thebest medicine out there to help both you and Joey into a fab mood!

Here's a little song i sang to little Pepsi when she was going throughsome stress issues: (To the tune of Rouldoph the Red Nose Reindeer)

Pepsi the little Netheland [Netherland] used to eat her pellets withglee [yip-ee!] and if you ever saw her [saw her] you'd thinkher owner was crazy!Then one Friday afternoon, the dreaful clipperscame out, Mommy came to say, Pepsi with your clipped nails, please eatsome hay tonight!

Corny eh? Although she did eat some cilantro while I was singing! :D

For the doe, everyone makes mistakes. I'm sure you'll find perfecthomes for them. There's always good homes that would make any bunny doback flips! :)

Keep some positive thinking! It does wonders! :colors:
To the tune of "Rudolph the Red-NosedReindeer"......Joey the little fighter had some really tiny poos and ifyou ever saw them you would know that it's bad news. All of the otherbunnies peed and pooed and ate their hay but independent Joey had to dothings his own way. Then one snowy Christmas eve Joey seemed tosay "I'm tired of this stasis thing I think I'll eat somehay." All of the other bunnies stamped their feet and jumped with gleewhile independent Joey climbed into his box to pee... Is thatbetter?
That's good to hear. I know,dealingwith an ill bunny, worrying, crying and all that stuffis soemoitionally draining.. it's tough. But it's all worth it in the endwith a happy healthy bunny. Just take a deep breath, keep good hopesand everything will turn out just fine! :)
Thanks for the update, sounds like youhave been through the wringer. I am very lucky to have not gone throughthis personally, but reading here in the forum a few times about stasisI can see it is such a difficult time to get through.

Liked the songs and I could just imagine the one you couldn't post LOL

Try as hard as it may be to keep your chin up, it's so very hard whenbunnies are not well, I'll be thinking of you and sending you goodpoopie vibes.

Thanks Ariel...I have been at the shelter mostof the afternoon and haven't spent time with my own bunnies. Princessand her babies are doing well. Joey looks good but I still have to gothrough the litter box.

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