Haven't been on since we went to the vetyesterday. Joey's physical condition looked good on exam (hydrated,abdomen soft,wt. OK etc) but the x-ray shows something in his stomachand bowel so we are on the full stasis regime....critical care,Pineapple juice, Reglan, Baytrol, Loxitane. I have been pushing thisdown him all day ....he tries to bite me and at times lets everythingjust run out of his mouth, however I can tell that he feels bettertonight. His poops are still small but softer and he is not in his boxbut is acting more alert and curious. If this happened to be a blockagefrom eating cardboard off boxes and paper towel rolls will it be ableto pass through? He ate hay today for the first time in a long time andfor some reason I feel that he will come out of this. I havealso been at the shelter past two days so all I have done isbunnies..no time even for the computer.