Joey's in stasis

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Nov 30, 2005
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Haven't been on since we went to the vetyesterday. Joey's physical condition looked good on exam (hydrated,abdomen soft,wt. OK etc) but the x-ray shows something in his stomachand bowel so we are on the full stasis regime....critical care,Pineapple juice, Reglan, Baytrol, Loxitane. I have been pushing thisdown him all day ....he tries to bite me and at times lets everythingjust run out of his mouth, however I can tell that he feels bettertonight. His poops are still small but softer and he is not in his boxbut is acting more alert and curious. If this happened to be a blockagefrom eating cardboard off boxes and paper towel rolls will it be ableto pass through? He ate hay today for the first time in a long time andfor some reason I feel that he will come out of this. I havealso been at the shelter past two days so all I have done time even for the computer.
The fibers from paper pass through the digestivesystem the same as the undigestible cellulose fibers from hay or anyother fiber food would. Paper rolls would be an unlikelycause of blockage.

It's good that he's picking at his hay. You can also try alittle finely grated carrot. A vitamin B shot can also boostthe appetite.

Is he taking in any hay? I hope he gets better soon. Sometimes it takes awhile. :pray:
Hi...He ate hay yesterday but when I got up thismorning there were very few poops so I started the routine for theday.Someone on this forum told me once that a rabbit could get "plugged up"from cardboard. That is what I am most afraid of as I notice that evennow he wants to chew newspapers, boxes etc. I think he eats the I took the boxes out. Anyway when I saw there were fewpoops my heart sank as thisit isso hard to push allthis down him. He doesn't cooperate at all, however, when I am done hedoesn't seem mean or angry at me either. Thanks for your concern. I'llkeep you posted.
I think it's very unlikely that the cardboard is what blocked him up.
If this isrelated to the fight withPeewee and he has something in his couldn't be acoincidence that he has a hairball right at that time? Maybe everythingjust froze from stress but he pooped OK for awhile after the fight.
It certainly could be Angie. RememberI told you about how after the fight that when he was settled down,you'd have to watch for stasis? When they get that stressed,you have to watch for this sort of thing to happen as their immunesystem can easily be compromised, making them more suspeptible tostasis or snuffles.

Stress can cause them to go into stasis, so yes, the fight could have done it can take a few days to surface.
Well it has surfaced and I'm dealing with it!.Carolyn I know that you went through this recently also. My husbanddoesn't understand why I want rabbits when I have to go through allthis work. ...But we all know don't we!;)
angieluv wrote:
My husband doesn't understand why I want rabbits when I haveto go through all this work. ...But we all know don't we!;)

You know it!

Many people that aren't 'rabbit people' don't get my love for them either.

I feel sorry for them because they don't know what they're missing.

I don't dislike people who aren't into rabbitsas long as they are into animals. My husband is more into our dogs. Ijust feel that you are either a bunny-lover or not. What I really can'tstand is people who own bunnies and don't take care of them correctly.That I really can't stand :mad:
The weather changes can also have aneffect. I've dealt with 3 cases of stasis over the past 2weeks (1 case was bad). Everyone seems to be recoveringwell. The two that weren't bad were nibbling at food, so Ididn't proceed with any treatments. The Dwarf Hotot went intobad stasis and wasn't eating, so I gave him Nutrical. He isnow eating again.

The animals seem very sensitive to the changes in the weather, evenwhen the changes aren't that noticable to us. Our house catgoes into "heat mode" with the slightest temperature change (temp isslightly up today and I can see the change in her disposition).

As others have pointed out, fighting can also be a stressfactor. As Angiluv mentioned, "Maybe everything just frozefrom stress . . ."

Here's an excerpt from an article relating to Angiluv'sstatement(link to articlebelow)"Other neurotransmitter and hormonal effects offear not as easily understood are that they cause an ileus of thegastrointestinal (GI) tract-that is, they cause the GI tract to stopmoving."

Could have been a combination of factors, we cannot know for certain.

In my heart I think that the stasis is from thefight.,because he was fine before and I have 5 other rabbits in theroom that are fine. I read the article and it really makessense,however, now I have another concern. Joeywas not atrusting rabbit before all this happened (rescue from a family withkids that probably scared him). When I give him so much meds andsyringe so much food he fights me and bites and struggles. Couldn't Ijust be creating more stress and recreating the problem that originallycaused this?
angieluv wrote:
When I give him so much meds and syringe so much food hefights me and bites and struggles. Couldn't I just be creating morestress and recreating the problem that originally caused this?

As Pam noted, there are so many factors that come into play with Stasis, it may not have been just one thing.

Your concern about creating more stress by syringe feeding is quiteunderstandable and valid, however, if he doesn't get the treatments,the problem often times doesn't just go away. It's a chanceyou have to take in order for him to return to his normal lovingself. :?

Hi Carolyn... His normal self is not loving. Hisnormal self is skittish and growly and bitey. Actually ,though he ismuch nicer with me when I am not forcing all of this stuff down him. Somaybe having gone through an illness will make him a better rabbit.Like Joey would say " I survived stasis and it changed my outlook onlife":D
One of the reasons I like Nutrical is becauseyou can deliver a high amount of calories in one tiny dose to keep upthe rabbit's strength. Not as messy as trying to syringelarge amounts of slurry.


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