Jessi going in for spay tomorrow-Resolved

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yes she got 2 doses of gas meds last night and a dose with each pain med this morning.

I called the vet 1800 number and they said 2 tablespoons of Critical care ever 6 hours with meds.

and some water by mouth if she would take it.

so this last pain med at noon she recieve

2 TBSpoon of Critical care
10 CC's of water apple juice squash baby food mix
1 CC of gas meds
and her pain med.
I also put some baby food on her paws and face and she cleaned her self off. She is now asleep again.

We will follow this again tonight at 7:30 when she gets her meds again.

Oh I bunny burrito her to give all this so she could not kick out. And hurt her tummy. Although the vet also said she should be moving some by now.

undergunfire wrote:
Have you given her gas meds at all? Whenever I administered Metacam to Molly I hid it inside the syringe with gas meds because she wouldn't take any baby food.....not sure if she was just pooping because of the gas meds or if she was pooping on her own, but at least I saw poop!

The few poops she is making have hair in them. She was nesting before her surgery so the hair poop seem normal.
She is eating her salad its been in their sense this morning but she is eating it finally. Its 3 pm

Its really cold in my house so she should be ok with it being out so long. I leave milk on the counter all the time. But she is eating on her own. Yeah

She just bit the He double hockey sticks out of me. When I was trying to give her her pain meds.

Little runt is lucky she is in pain. But she must be feeling some better.

tonyshuman wrote:
Sorry I wasn't keeping up to date with this last night. Let us know how it goes.

Its ok I went to bed around 11. She is eating again on her romaine. And now she is eating hay I think I may play the pain meds by ear tomorrow. They really seem to drug her up.

She was just grooming Storm through the bars. He has been watching over her for the last two days now its kinda cute to be honest.

Yeah, it sounds like she got pretty knocked out by them. I hope she's better tomorrow, you might consider halving the dose or something. The story about Storm is sweet. :inlove:
tonyshuman wrote:
Yeah, it sounds like she got pretty knocked out by them. I hope she's better tomorrow, you might consider halving the dose or something. The story about Storm is sweet. :inlove:

I think I may half the dose although she got it tonight and after about a hour of sleeping she woke up. so maybe she is getting used to it I almost want to keep it up because I would rather her be a little dopey and eat then be in pain and not eat. I don't know I will see if she eats everything by morning or how it goes.
Ok so Jessi ate her salad over night. But I woke up late and she was over do for her pain meds and it took its tole I can tell.

So I gave her the meds and and letting her rest. I think she should be fine in the next day or so.
Well she is waking up and eating her salad this morning. I can still see some not feeling good but she will come around.

I think she is getting better and better
I'm so glad she's feeling better. It's amazing how quickly they come around. (In hindsight, it really is fast!)
I know this sound like a weird question.

But what day do I stop pain meds? They said three days then play it by ear. Well I take three days as today as to where some would take it as tomorrow. I normal give the exact amount when I worked for a vet or was given meds for other animals.

But she still has a full bottle.

Or do I just give it for five days. It seems to be only making her sleep for like a hour and half now after reach dose. I don't want her in pain but she is fighting being picked up more and more every time.

I am afraid she is going to hurt herself she has figured out how to get out of the bunny burrito. And has bit me every time the past four times I have had to give her meds.

I am not picking her up or messing with her for any other reason. at this point.

At this point I'd play it by ear, but honestly...I'd say she is at the point where she doesn't need them anymore. Now that shes eating and being feisty, shes feeling much better :).
Jessi ate her salad this morning without pain meds and she was chewing on her toys last night and digging.

I may give her a dose or two today just to make sure.

But I think we are out of the woods I will wait tell tonight to add resolved.
Now Jessi is peeing outside her litter box.
I just watched her do it I kept wondering how she was throwing her water around. Well she is peeing its not water great time to start litter box training all over again.

Although she took to it almost over night so hopefully she does this again.

Does anyone have any idea why she would be not using her litter box?

She is pooping in her box just peeing outside of it.

And she is peeing outside of it everytime


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