Jessi going in for spay tomorrow-Resolved

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Did Jessie get a shot of pain meds before leaving? My vet gives a shot of Metacam that lasts for 24 hours and then I also have some bottled Metacam on hand to administer if I feel like the bunny is in pain (but I usually give it once a day for 1-2 days afterwards).

I have never heard of the pain meds that your vet gave you and haven't heard of giving it multiple times a day, lol!
undergunfire wrote:
Did Jessie get a shot of pain meds before leaving? My vet gives a shot of Metacam that lasts for 24 hours and then I also have some bottled Metacam on hand to administer if I feel like the bunny is in pain (but I usually give it once a day for 1-2 days afterwards).

I have never heard of the pain meds that your vet gave you and haven't heard of giving it multiple times a day, lol!

Yes they gave her a shot. But they told me to start her meds tonight not in the morning. She is pretty drugged not in pain but just sleeping. She is flopped out. I have some metecam on hand if this is to much. But for tonight she will be fine the more the better for the first night I think. So for today and tomorrow I will follow then play it by how she is acting after that.

I wasn't doubting your vet, I had just never heard of that pain med, LOL!

Yeah, Metacam smells like strong cat pee :shock:.
undergunfire wrote:
I wasn't doubting your vet, I had just never heard of that pain med, LOL!

Yeah, Metacam smells like strong cat pee :shock:.

Oh no Babe I never said you where trust me I had to look it up I remember the drug from school but thats all the name.

I did not think you where doubting my vet at all.:hug:

So it seem this is a very short lived pain killer.

I was ready all of Randy's post on it. So I think i may add some metacam to her in the morning.
Yeah, you'd think it would be better to just give the Metacam once in a day rather then have to give another pain med 3 times a day.....wrestling bunnies isn't fun, LOL!
undergunfire wrote:
Yeah, you'd think it would be better to just give the Metacam once in a day rather then have to give another pain med 3 times a day.....wrestling bunnies isn't fun, LOL!

I mixed it with banana baby food and she took it willingly.

Shoot she just took half a real banana from me. I had to take it back cause she has not had much banana. But i gave her a section and gave her some parsley.

She is giving me the bunny butt I can tell she hold grudges.
Well she is not eating or drinking anything. She touched nothing over night. She just got her pain meds at 7 am.

I force fed some water. I am out of water bottle have to go by the shelter to get one around noon to do sub q's.

But she is just sitting in her litter box right now. Up against her pillow.

Oh sorry, just seeing this. I was going to mention earlier to watch for the pain bump. They're usually okay when they get home but will take a big dip when the pain meds wear off. You pretty much have to just give her the meds and keep trying to coax her to eat. Don't force feed other than a bit of food when she gets the Metacam.

What's the dose of Metacam? Is she being kept warm?

I don't think you need to give her fluids, but if you do, warm them up.

sas :clover:
We have had luck getting bunnies to eat by soaking their pellets in apple-flavored pedialyte. We do this a lot with baby bunnies that have gone off of food, and it gets them to eat and hydrates them a little. Might be worth a try. Hopefully she is just a bit painful and will start eating again soon, however.
Good idea soaking the pellets!

Its really not a good idea to handle her at all. It makes things worse.

She's got some food in her stomach, if you can tease her by waving parsley in her face (bunnies will grab it like they're going to throw it and often start eating it) and try her on the pellets, but really don't force anything. You don't want her using her stomach muscles for anything at all, so nothing that will make her struggle.

She can go 24 hours without eating much. They told me to call if Pipp didn't eat for 24 hours, she waited until the 23rd hour. :rollseyes

sas :clover:
Pipp wrote:
Oh sorry, just seeing this. I was going to mention earlier to watch for the pain bump. They're usually okay when they get home but will take a big dip when the pain meds wear off. You pretty much have to just give her the meds and keep trying to coax her to eat. Don't force feed other than a bit of food when she gets the Metacam.

What's the dose of Metacam? Is she being kept warm?

I don't think you need to give her fluids, but if you do, warm them up.

sas :clover:

She is not on Meatcam she is on
Torbugesic 1/2 cc three times a day for three days

She is in almost DBF but not quite there. She is kinda on her side. She is not do for another pain meds dose tell 12 noon its 9 14.

she had her last one at 6 am
Ah, she's probably doped up. I haven't used that.

What time is she usually active?

I'd coax her to eat during her usual active time. See how she is after the noon dose.

sas :clover:
Pipp wrote:
Ah, she's probably doped up. I haven't used that.

What time is she usually active?

I'd coax her to eat during her usual active time. See how she is after the noon dose.

sas :clover:

The question is when is Jessi not active I promise she never sleeps. She is not acting in pain no grinding of teeth or anything.
I forgot to add: if you do soak the pellets, remove them after a few hours, as bacteria can build quikcly in moist food. It might also work to make her 'bunny chop' - a mix of her favorite greens, timothy hay, and a little tiny bit of carrot or apple put through a food processor to make a fluffy, palatable mix of greens, hay, and a treat for encouragement.
I soaked some pellets and made her a critical care smash I put that in her cage spiked her water I have done all I can at this point. She has some sub q's Lory came by on her way to the shelter so she should be good.

I called the vet and I have done everything they would do.
I thought I should add that she is not pooping or peeing.
Although she has not eating much either she did just take some banana baby food from me willingly.
Have you given her gas meds at all? Whenever I administered Metacam to Molly I hid it inside the syringe with gas meds because she wouldn't take any baby food.....not sure if she was just pooping because of the gas meds or if she was pooping on her own, but at least I saw poop!

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