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Retired Moderator
Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
Austin, Texas, USA
Can this be used for bunnies? How much do I give? My boys are 3lbs to 5lbs.

I was playing with the baby rats earlier and noticed they had little reddish/brown bugs on them. I looked it up and it looks like they have lice. I will have to treat momma rat with Ivermectin and the baby rats will get it through nursing off her, I have read.

I am thinking the issue for it was the stupid bag of wood pellet bedding I got from the grain store. I can't think of any other way they could have got it. But, the thing is...I have had the bag for about 3 weeks now and have been using it and haven't noticed any lice on anyone else. I also don't use the wood pellet bedding with the baby rats and momma, but the older baby rats and their mom have that bedding in the cage below.

Not sure how to fit a whole 40lbs bag of bedding in the freezer :rollseyes.
Lice are small and rather difficult to see. I think it's very important that you get a correct identification of the parasites at the vet's.

You haven't mentioned that the bunnies actually have the bugs on them. I wouldn't treat if it's not necessary. Lice are very species specific. If your rats have them, it doesn't necessarily mean that the rabbits have them.

Then they are probably mites if they aren't lice. I've been reading about it on the rat forum. I can treat the rats with the Ivermectin.

I don't have a rat vet currently because she up and disappeared when I needed her 2 months ago...she started her own clinic 4 hours away. I need to call vets around our new house to see if they see rats, which will be surprising to me if they do. So, I have to treat them with what I have. Most vets want to see the pet before handing out revolution, too.

Anyway, I can't tell if the rabbits have bugs on them or not. I don't see where the bugs are coming from besides the litter. The rabbits use the same litter. So, should I be safe and treat them, too, just in case?
I wouldn't treat them until you determine what the parasite is. Most parasites are species specific, so the rabbits might not need to be treated.

Are you able to get any photos of the insects or find something similar on the internet? Lice are generally white in appearance.

Then I'd guess possible lice, but I'm not really familiar with rat parasites. It's unlikely that they've spread to the rabbits because they have access to their primary hosts, although I'd keep an eye on the rabbits just in case.

Thank you, Pam :). I'll just treat Spice and her litter, plus my two big boys for now. Should I just watch for itching in the rabbits to make a move on treating them?

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