Well I am with Pam, Sunnibunnies, andRaspberry. My husband's family comes from a long line ofhunters. I got into it when I met him, never before huntedand thought I would never kill "Bambi", but they have taught me the joyof being with wildlife, and the joy of just seeing things I'd neverseen before. It's amazing watching does and their youngfeeding together, it is magnificent to catch a glimpse of a 10 pointbuck, it will stop your heart! We have many trophies fromNorth America and from Africa. I have trophies of animals Ihave only seen on TV! They grace our home and have wonderfulstories behind them. And yes we eat the meat. It isall about loving and respecting nature...it's about wildlifemanagement. What happens when there are too many deer and notenough food? They starve to death, or become diseased andpass those diseases to other animals...why do you think you have tohave a permit and you can only get 1 or 2 bucks on 1 or two does,depending on which county you hunt in? Poachers are killers who killfor the thrill of the kill, and kill when they want not following thelaws put out, not caring about how it will impact the ecology.
I didn't look at the art. I didn't want to. It's adisgrace to any "artist" out there who thinks killing for art isacceptable. I call myself an artist...I would not killanything for my art. I would rather paint and draw animalsliving and doing what they do best.
I believe to each their own for the most part...but do not tell me thatI am evil for eating meat, do not tell me I am evil because I want thedrugs to cure disease, do not tell me I'm evil for thinking humans aremore important than animals. I don't care if you are avegan. That doesn't make a person, nor does my eating meatmake me who I am. Furs...lots of controversy there, all I cansay is humans have been using fur from the beginning of time to clothethemselves. Animal testing...Alheimers, diabetes, ADHD, heartdisease, and cancer all run in my family. I wantcures. I don't want my children and grandchildren to gothrough what I went through when my mother got diagnosed with cancer,and died. Testing on animals will find a cure. Asit has found cures for other ailments, and disease, and producedvaccines that we have all recieved. Would you risk yourchild's life for an animal's? I'm not. You can die fromchicken pox, measles, mumps, and all the other childhooddiseases. Our lifespans would still be 40 years if not foranimal testing. That's only 9 years away for me, and I don'twant to miss seeing my grandchildren grow up. When they cantest on a nonliving entity to get a cure...hey good going, but thatwill not happen. Now they are trying to harvest embryos totest on....babies are better? This is a very sore topic forme as you can see.
I believe that animals should not be beaten and abused andstarved. I love my pets. But if it comes to my petsor my kids...I chose my kids.
This is just my opinion...no one has to believe what I believe, just asI don't have to believe what you believe. But I, for one, amgetting sick and tired of peopled telling me that I should conform totheir way of thinking. This is the problem with the worldtoday. No one is willing to let people believe in what theywill for their piece of mind. If you don't believe what Ibelieve you are evil. How is getting God out of the Pledge ofAllegiance going to bring peace? How is not eating meat goingto bring peace? It's not.
If this offends anyone...oh well, some of the posts for this topic hasoffended me too. This is too touchy a subject for someone notto get offended. But I won't hold it against you.
I like you guys for other reasons!!!
To each his own and let it alone.