Is this a Joke?

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pamnock wrote:
"Is it any more disgusting that Edenmont has inserted herfingers into the skins of dead mice, than it is that people slide theirfeet into the hides of cows or snakes or horses? The mice finger piecesare no more repulsive than kidskin gloves. "

I feel that there IS a very real difference between cowskin boots andmouse finger puppets. Obviously we are not a vegan society. People eatbeef. The cow hide used in leather allows us to make full use of eachanimal, letting as little go to waste as possible of the cows' precioussacrifice. I also feel that snakeskin and horse skin boots are NOTokay. We don't NEED to eat horse meat (don't get me started on horseslaughter, it's one of my soap box issues!), therefore there should beno surplus horse hide. However, due to the necessary evil of meatconsumption in our society, we have extra cow hide available. Why notuse it? Also, I highly doubt that Edenmont ATE the innards of thosepoor mice or of that rabbit. What's her excuse?

I have to agree with NightPoet. and what is with the quotes from that forum??

I believe the purpose of her art is to expose the double standards

um.. but she has to kill to do it?? what happened to real art wherepeople *created* something to show what they meant.

I'm not a vegan and never will be. I come from a farming/huntingfamily. however, there is still a respect for the animals and what theygive us. what that woman is doing is horrible imho. deadthings are not 'art', they deserve our respect. human oranimal.

can we truly condemn a woman for the way she expresses her emotions.

i can. there are other ways to express emotions and fight for what you believe in.

if i'm way off base, let me have it.. i couldnt even go to her actualsite. just listening to you guys talk about it made me sick and sad.and angry.
Every now and again I meet people who should be shot. Then there are those who should be outright gutted.
I have to say that I was in two minds whether toview the pictures or not, and now that I have they have left me reallydisturbed. Personally, being a vegetarian and not wearing leather,suede etc I am really against all kinds of real animal 'art' includingbearskin rugs, trophy heads etc. I can understand hunting to eat,provide clothing etc (not that I would ever be involved with it), but Ithink to kill and desecrate for the sake of art is unforgiveable. Ithink the same about 'human' art as well. A recent show of actual humanbodies and body parts (I think it was a German artist) made me wonderwhat must go through an 'artists' mind as he is chopping up a body andarranging it. I also disagree with newspapers, TV news etc showingpictures of people killed in natural disasters and war - they are allsomeones family and I would hate the last thought of any member of myfamily being that of one shown to the world in their dying moment toget extra viewers or sell extra copies -Jan
LuvaBun wrote:
Ihave to say that I was in two minds whether to view the pictures ornot, and now that I have they have left me really disturbed.

I feel the same way. I realize it's out there, but thesepictures are tough. Especially the ones where the stupididiots are holding the rabbit's by their ears.

I hope I can forget them. I don't normally view these posts, and I've had a quick reminder on why.

It's more frustrating to know that you can't do anything aboutit. Ionly hope that all the rabbits in this postdied quickly because I'd hate to see any animal be continually treatedlike that.

Where are people's brains???

I wish I could hold them up by their ears so that they would experiencewhat the poor animal is going through. That may be a bitharsh, but to only seems fair. The animal is helpless.

I'll be very disappointed when my day comes to go over to The OtherSide to find out that one doesn't have to feel everything they did toother people and animals.

What goes around, comes around. I hope and pray for that justice.


Carolyn wrote:
It's more frustrating to know that you can't do anything about it.

That's not completely true! We can take baby steps in the rightdirection by educating the public (a board like this helps, althoughmore active outreach would reach more), lending a hand at animalshelters, and raising our voices against animal abuse and neglect.Although it might not seem like we can do a lot, even if we accomplishonly a little, at least its something!
pamnock wrote:
Iwould like to know what people think of the pieces of similar "art"common in many homes -- the mounted deerhead, fish mount,etc. We see this all the time, and are not horribly disturbedby it, yet find Nathalia's art repulsive. Why?Curious to hear some thoughts on this. . .


My fatherhunts - Archery style, finger release.He does not do it for sport, He has a deep caring respectfor all of the wildlife.I have witnessed himfirst handchange through his experiencesand I wish I could somedayenjoy it with him. It'snot about "the thrill of the hunt", or anything likethat... the stories he brings home show just howmuch love and respect he has to give back, and the look on his facewhen he's reliving it, this isone of many stands out in mymind ---

"Ifound a spot between atree and a large boulder with a clear view of the well used trail about20 yards away, there were some rather fresh deer printsthere. There was a small clearing about 15 yardstothe right. It must have been about 2 hours I'd been sittingthere when I noticed a squirrel on a rock in theclearing. Behind the rock off a distance was a Fox that hadseen the squirrel too, I didn't even notice the Fox until it was almostright there! The squirrel was startled by a hawk that landedon a branch about 30 feet above my head, and it darted down the rock,which made the Foxtake offafter it. Thesquirrel took off running and went up a tree by the trail.TheFox stood there for a while with this "dang it" look on his face, thenwalked away with this bummed out kind of stride to him, the poorthing!"

He would have never witnessed anything like thisif it wasn't for his hunting. I think he isprivileged. I gave him, for his birthday, a mounted "DeerHead" to place above his fireplace... It'smade out of a hardplastic, but to the untrained eye it looks real. The mountsthemselves don't represent what they've accomplished, itissomewhata keepsake, souvenir, or memorabilia thatrepresents all of the memories,stories, and theexperiencesthey had up until that particular kill that theynow carry with them. Each time they look at it, they don'tsee a Deermount, they see the Fox and the Squirrel and manyother untold stories that God and Mother Nature were so generous toshare them.

Just my honest opinion.
Oh and I just wanted to say that as much as Iwould like to, I don't think I'll ever forget this. It's what makes mean animal activist I guess! Last night I had a dream in which a ladywas trying to sell me bunnies she was holding by the ears. I kepttrying to tell her it was wrong, but somehow I couldn't.

Anyway, is it good for us to forget? Put it this way...if we forgot theHolocaust, or the Japanese internement, or the Crusades, would that bea good thing? We learn from the mistakes of ourselves and others. Weshould remember and take action.
Ahhh! Don't pick your bun up by the ears!! :shock::shock::shock:
Brandy wrote:
Have any of you ever heard ofNathaliaEdenomont?
I just lost my stomach. What a sick woman. Sheoughta be chopped up into a collage of her own.:X:XGRRRRRRRRR.
Lissa wrote:
Brandy wrote:
Have any of you ever heard ofNathaliaEdenomont?
I just lost my stomach. What a sick woman. Sheoughta be chopped up into a collage of her own.:X:XGRRRRRRRRR.

I agree Lissa...she is a sick woman:XI don't know whyshe doesn't understand thatanimals don't have feelings! Herart is VERY disturbing...and she should be STOPPED IMMEADIATELY! Sheshould be put in jail for animal abuse. I don't know why people areletting her get away with this!:XEVERYONE should go againsther and her art.....and then she would stop making her sick socalled,"art!":X


Good Points made NightPoet about being able to do something about it in our own neighborhoods and not forgetting.

As to stuffed animal heads as trophies and the likes of the other 'art'you pointed out, Pam, I am always disturbed by it. I find it morbid nomatter how much someone tries to tell me how beautiful it is.To each his own, as they say.

I was disgusted... what she does can EASILY bedone with photoshop with no animal deaths required, and it would stillbe considered original art.

I am not a vegan. However, there are some things I refuse toeat, veal being one of them. (I've seen calves meant for vealand I couldnt stomach the treatment)

My brother in law is an avid hunter, but he consumes what heshoots. the only 'trophy' he has is the barracuda mygrandfather caught many years ago (ugly thing!)

I have no problem with eating meat because our stomachs and teeth aredesigned for it. We are omnivores. But I do have aproblem with the wasteful slaughter of animals, be it througheuthanasia, chemical testing, and other forms ofmistreatment. I dont have a problem with leather, because asit was stated before, it comes from cows which are raised to feedus. It is showing that we are trying to use as much of theanimal as we can.

I remember one winter when I was growing up, I found a dead fox in mybackyard. I always loved watching the foxes... well the tailwas missing from the fox, and he had a bullet wound. A trailof blood lead from the woods, so he made the attempt toescape.

It troubles me, all I can think of is the golden rule, "Do unto othersas you would have done unto you" I feel that applies to allliving things. People are so horrified when they think ofancient times when human sacrifice was a common occurance, as wasskinning of people to bind certain books. It is abhorant toall of us to treat another living thing with such blatantdisrespect.

ANyway... off my soapbox... was a bit disgusted with those pictures... and well, I can be a wee bit opinionated.
i truly thinkif you are going to kill an animal,if it is not a sickly animal you are trying to ease over the bridge.then it should be for meat and full use of the animal killed. I don'tbelieve in trophy hunting, But i do think the hunters who dohave that deer head mounted do it for a tribute to thedeer(not the trophy hunters). I grew up on a farm, and with hunters allaround. But i don't believe in senceless killing just to make a buck.

2 of my hubby's uncles have deer heads mounted, one uncle it is solely for a trophy, and they other is quite different...

I agree, Gabby. I see nothing wrong with eating meat, but kill theanimal in a humane way and use all of it. If some folks take pride introphy heads, that's fine. To each his own, but respect the life youtake.

To each his own, but respect the life you take.

Yes, it seems to me that this artist is not only killing these animals,but killing them with the intent of mutilating and disrespecting theirremains. It's sick :X
Some of this is really not making sense. It'sokay to kill them if you look after their bodies? I can see why peopleuse them for food (although we're quite capable of stopping that now)and I know (some) hunters don't kill for joy, but I don't see how anyof that helps the animal. It's all the same to the dead what happens totheir body. Better to not kill it in the first place.
Should any life be more sacred thananother? We can eat cows and pigs (which are very intelligentby the way), but not roast the rather stupid pony? (Someonewanted to have a pony roast where I used to live).

What about the little flea, fish, the fly or the rat? Do theynot struggle to survive? Our ownbodies serveasa cemetery for millions of organisms slain by our immunesystems.

Were do we draw the line and what is happening to oursociety? A woman OD'd at someone's house in ourtown. They didn't know what to do with her, so they took thedeceased and propped her up on a hay bale in a field!

I like m.e.'s statement about "disrespecting their remains".I believe all creatures should be treated with honor and respect, butall creatures also have a purpose to serve. We are not allequal on the food chain, which was designed for some creatures to bethe meals of other creatures.

What about animals used for research? How can we learn aboutphysiology without being able to have specimens?I am fascinated with animal biology and ourhouselooks likethe little shop of horrors (brains,eyes, hearts, and many misc. creatures in jars). Does thismake me a horrible person in everyone's eyes? Myhusbandwent to the butcher's over the weekend toget a beef roast and some cheese. I asked him if he couldalso pick up some eyes -- the ones in preservative can get too rubberyand it ruins the lenses. You simply can't study the structureof the eye from a book! :p


Let me start out by saying that like everyoneelse...this woman's art truly disturbs me. I wish I'd never viewed it.It will impossible to get those images out of my head.

Pam brings up a lot of good points. Some of which I'm not sure where Istand on. I am not a vegan nor do I know anyone who is. My brother is ahunter/fisherman. He kills for food, and any parts of theanimal he doesnt use he gives to needy families in our area. That's notto say thathe doesnt keep trophies. (mounts ofdeer,and fish) But, he didnt kill them for the trophy, hekilled them for the meat.

This topic has managed to bring up a lot of points that make you think.Research for example. I would never kill an animal for research.BUT...where would we be today without the sacrifice of other buns thathave been mutilated (autopsied), and studied for the purpose of findingbetter treatments of our buns today. Or the ones that have been givenexperimental treatment in hopes that it MIGHT help? Arent they, ineffect, being used for research when we dont know whateffectthe proposedtreatment(s) will have on theirbodies?

Where would we be without Ivermectin, antibiotics, ect ect. How manyanimals do you think may have died while they were developing thosemedicines. Surely they had to find the appropriate dosage. How did theydo that without first experimenting with the dosage on animals? Do youthink they might have given too high a dosage tosome of theseanimals to start? Wouldnt those innapropriate doses cause healthproblems/death? I cant speak for anyone else, but for me I appreciateall the meds we have for our buns. Where would we be without thosemeds? I wish there was another way to test these things, but I'm suremy buns appreciate any sacrifice made on their behalf!!

Maybe in an Utopian societyall this wouldnt be necessary. Someday maybethey'll be able to test things without harming any living creature.


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