Well-Known Member
pamnock wrote:
I feel that there IS a very real difference between cowskin boots andmouse finger puppets. Obviously we are not a vegan society. People eatbeef. The cow hide used in leather allows us to make full use of eachanimal, letting as little go to waste as possible of the cows' precioussacrifice. I also feel that snakeskin and horse skin boots are NOTokay. We don't NEED to eat horse meat (don't get me started on horseslaughter, it's one of my soap box issues!), therefore there should beno surplus horse hide. However, due to the necessary evil of meatconsumption in our society, we have extra cow hide available. Why notuse it? Also, I highly doubt that Edenmont ATE the innards of thosepoor mice or of that rabbit. What's her excuse?
"Is it any more disgusting that Edenmont has inserted herfingers into the skins of dead mice, than it is that people slide theirfeet into the hides of cows or snakes or horses? The mice finger piecesare no more repulsive than kidskin gloves. "
I feel that there IS a very real difference between cowskin boots andmouse finger puppets. Obviously we are not a vegan society. People eatbeef. The cow hide used in leather allows us to make full use of eachanimal, letting as little go to waste as possible of the cows' precioussacrifice. I also feel that snakeskin and horse skin boots are NOTokay. We don't NEED to eat horse meat (don't get me started on horseslaughter, it's one of my soap box issues!), therefore there should beno surplus horse hide. However, due to the necessary evil of meatconsumption in our society, we have extra cow hide available. Why notuse it? Also, I highly doubt that Edenmont ATE the innards of thosepoor mice or of that rabbit. What's her excuse?