Is this a good HAY BOX?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2009
Reaction score
, , USA
So i was wondering what i could use for a hay box and forgot i had this! it is a light wire coated little blue basket thing..

I was thinking about zip tieing it to the floor of Smudge's cage and stuffing it full of hay and he could eat from the top of pull it threw the sides..The openings are like half a inch by like 1/4 inch so the hay would stick threw the holes.

Would it be safe to use> and is it a good idea?


p.s. look for pics of Smudges new cage tomorrow, it will be under his blog and in the cage threads.

we have a manger that clips to the side of the cage--not quite as big as the basket. When Nicky was tiny, she used to sleep in it--we'd come down in the morning and she be in there on her side. Damn! Did not get one single picture either. A general rule of thumb is that they will bed down in anything that they can--no harm, no foul. Bunnies are funny.
i have a manger that clips on to the side of the hutch - keeps the hay off the floor and can be used as a weapon by a bad tempered bun (naming no names but somebun knows who she is:))
the basket is might look big bit its mike idk..just a bit too small for smudge to fit his whole body in but its perfect for his head too fit

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