Is she feeding them?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Devon, , United Kingdom
Roxy's babies are now nearly 2 days old, 45hoursold! At first, i was convinced she was feeding them as they had littletubby bellies. However, i just checked them and they appear to havemore wrinkles and i'm not sure they've been fed. Its 9:50 pm so couldit be because they are due to fed tonight if they are fed earlymorning/late night. I am just a bit worried. Also, they are all thesame size but one seems a bit fatter than the other. When i inspectedthe nest, i popped them in a shoe box full of towels and hay so i couldgo right through the nest and 2 of them seemed to be fighting. Onewould push the other and then get pushed back and so on making noises!is this normal? And the other didnt even seem to notice being move,lol, he/she was fast asleep and wasnt involved. i've put them all backin now but any answers i will be grateful for! thanks, leanne xxx
They push each other around quite a bit at thisstage. I don't thinkthey're conscious enough to fight at thispoint, but they will squiggle around to get the best spot and woebetide the little one that's already in it!;)The noises arepretty much constant--they squeak when hungry, cold, awake, etc. etc.

If one's getting pushed out, try and make raised sides that mum canstill jump over (like a piece of wood or something, or a box) butbabies can't get out.

They do go through wrinkly stages, so don't be too alarmed unless theylook weak and shriveled tomorrow. One fat one is another commonthing--they aren't always the same size. If it looks like some aregetting short shrift on the food line, pull mum out, pet her and/orfeed her, and stick baby under her belly to eat. He'll figure out whatto do, and it's funny to watch. Just make sure mum doesn't get mad andhurt the little guy.

I hope they do well!! PM me anytime if you need a quick answer.

ok, thanks for that information. They are prettymuch all the same size although one is particulary fat, lol. But i'llkeep an eye on them and if i do notice one being much thinner, i willtry it out. They're not looking weak or shriveled today which is good,they actually look much better so they probably had a good feed lastnight.

Is it normal for them to be wet, as when i picked one up it left wetpatches on my hand, i am guessing its just milk or something but i'mnot sure, thanks, leanne xxx

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