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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Devon, , United Kingdom
hi, my 2 rabbits were mated 29 days ago and i amnot sure if my doe, Roxy is pregnant. She is getting alot fatter/heavier and has been very tired for the last couple of days. Also, wheni placed my buck next to her to see how she reacted,she becameaggressive so i took him away as i read that pregnant does often dothis. However, she hasnt shown any signs of nest building yet and icant feel anything her her tummy, but i didnt try 2 hard incase she isas i wouldnt want to risk damaging the babies. Any information as soonas possible will be very helpful and i will be very grateful, thanksalot, Leanne xxx
Hi, thanks for posting!

I think does give birth on the 31st day, so if she's preggers, she will give birth any day now!

I think they would pull their hair out to make a nest.

I'm not to sure of this though because I've never been through thissituation, but I'm sure one of our many knowledgable bunny owners willgive you all the answers you need.

thanks for all the information so far, i guessi'll just keep watching and wait and see! Could anyone give me anysuggestions as of what to use as a nest box asi am unable tofind any in the local pet shops and need it as quick as possible incase she is, although still no signs of nesting yet. I'll keep on tolet you know what happens.

Thanks, Leanne xxx
do you think you could use a box?? im not abreeder i've never even had a litter.. but just seems like a good sub..but i dunno.. someone eles who is a breeder will know! Lol
you could like cut a hole big enough for her..and then like line it with towls or somthing.... i think you go to myaccount and then it will say Avator.. and then add a picture to that
Hello everyone, i just want to say that i justfelt her tummy and i felt something move (i think) so i am pretty sureshe is pregnant. However there are still no nesting signs which isworrying at day 30. I read tht they may nest just minutes before oreven after the birth. Is this true and so do i have anything to worryabout.............yet? Thanks for all your suggestions, Leanne xxx

Oh, and heres a pic 4 u all 2 enjoy. On the left is my gorgeous boy,Russel, hes a himalayan rex and sooooooooo friendly, soft and lovely.On the right is my possibly pregnant girly Roxy, shes a lionhead andshe is so lovely too. I love them so much!!:)
Dear RusselandRoxymyfemale started pulling hair out the afternoon before she gave birth. Iwasn't ready at all but she was so good....

Good Luck and keep us posted!!!!


Roxy says thanks for the compliment. I placed ina cardboard nest box as i dont havea real one, i lined itwith a towel and placed lots of hay and straw in it. But the problem isthat she doesnt want the box but just takes out all the straw and triesbuilding a nest in the enclosed part of her cage. Here is a pic of hercurrent box, its very empty in the pic as she has taken most of thestuff out and put it in her hutch. SHould i leave her to it? What can ido to improve the box? Sorry the pictures not very good, it was a bitbright so you cant see it very well, leanne xxx
Hello everyone again!!! just thought i'd let youall know shes very busy away at the moment building a nest so i thoughti'd leave her to it (at last). However, its not being built in the box!but in the enclosed part of the hutch. Any suggestions? Is this ok??Thanks, leanne xxx
ok thanks, i may try that in a minute. But couldi just place a piece oof short wood or something between the end of theenclsoed bit which is only small and where the nest is and the rest ofthe cage so that her nest can stay which looks very warm and well made,but the babies cant get out, please let me know, thanks, leanne xxx
Has she hadher babies yet? if not lether have them where she chooses, any pice of wood you putinthere she may chew on make surets a wood not toxic to rabbits, there area few out there and never trust pine wood, nothing with a varnish or stain on it ,i had on rabbit who no matter what you did forhernest box she would litterallytear it up and throw it out , finally outof frustration i let her have her babies inher hiding box , ikept constant vigal on her loleven went so far as to rebuild the nestif i thought it was skimp lol ithas been a 2 week warbut babies are healthy fat andsassy , you didntmention isthe rabbit an inside rabbit or an outsiderabbit ? mine are inside so lettingthem chose where to have themwasnt a big issue , just makesure inside temps cansupport them with out overheating or over chilling , im going topost pics of the latest batchof babies near onto 3 weeks nowbut it will be a few days s mydigi cam broke ( snif ) silly cementfloors are so unforgiving lol

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