rabbitgirl wrote:
sweetasme007 wrote:
no she doesn't run into walls but she doesnt' seemto see completey. i have waved my hand in her sight like youwould a blind person, but she seems to see somewhat... i'mnot a vet but i do plan to have her checked. can the vets tell any morethan i can by waving their hands in her eyes?
Mine can see light and shadow too. Also, she may lose what she has down the road--who knows?
Did you wave your hand in front or on the side? If you tried in front,try the side, and make sure you're not close enough to brush whiskers.They use those as "eyes" which is why some blind rabbits are so amazingat navigating obstacles. Wouldn't it be handy if blind people hadthose....
Plus, remember that all rabbits have "blind spots", if I remembercorrectly. I think one was directly in front of the nose. That's whythe side test works better.
Can you post pics of her eyes? That might help...maybe they are just a funny color???
yes i've tried the hand waving thingin many positions, even somewhat behind heri've even used a lighter( nottoo close to burn or scare her) but i thought it mightresemble the tool the docs use.
iwish i could post pics but i'm out of film, so i will as soon as i getmy scanner set up and more film. however i promise to post the boogersas soon as i can!thanks again!