is it normal?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2007
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
When i came home from school at about 4 :45 ishi picked up Bun Buns, as i was picking her up i saw come poop comingfrom her bun so i went to get some tissue to wipe it off before i puther on my lap. When i wiped it off it was greenish brown squishy andhas mucus like things in it. Then i took her outside in my arms and isaw looking at her teeth and they didnt seem normal. i checked them(while she was biting the heck out of me) then i tried giving her apiece of timothy hay and it looked like she had trouble eating it. Itwas falling from her mouth. She only had like 1/4 of the hay.. barely.Also her water was finished her food was a little bit eaten. i waswondering is this because her cage is filled with pine ( its half emtynow.. the 2.5 kg bag.. i already mentioned i bought the wrong kind ofbedding) im really worried.

(No vet nearby)

shes 11 weeks old. Shes turning 12 weaks this saturday so ill start feeding her some carrots.
ok well first... were the poops her cecal poops? Soft, mushy, looked like grapes, smelled really bad?

Can you get a picture of her teeth to show us what you're talkingabout? Can you describe it better or draw a picture... can'treally picture what is wrong with her teeth without a betterdescription... are the front teeth lining up? Are thestraight?

Is she eating less than usual?

Carrots are not good for bunnies. All the bookswe read as children lied! They are high in sugar so should be fed onlyas treats.

I'd suggest not starting veggies yet, especially if you are concernedabout her poop. But when she is 5-6 months old you can startintroducing leafy veggies like cilantro, parsley, etc but it should bedone very slowly.

And a better description of a picture will be very helpful in figuring this out.
There are TONS of good vets in Toronto... please PM me if you need to find one in a general area and I can help you.
