Is it natural for two females to hump each other

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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2012
Reaction score
Melbourne, , Australia
Hey everyone, so I was out for two hour and come home to my two rabbits going at it. Now when I brought them I got told they were both females. Is it natural for two females to hump each other, or are one of my rabbits a male : /
If they're both females I think its a dominance thing. I could be wrong so don't quote me.
OR, you have a male and a female and the male just got your girl. Hopefully, its two girls trying to establish dominance.
Totally normal. It's those raging hormones! There's a reason rabbits are known for reproducing quickly. You will want to double check their sexes though. More than one person has been surprised by unexpected litters of baby bunnies, when they thought they had 2 adult female rabbits.
Humping for dominance is very normal. That is the bunny way of saying "I am the boss"


You have to flip them over (if they will let you) and examine the genitals. A mature male will have hairless pockets on both sides were the testicles are. Females don't have the pockets. [ame][/ame]

This video should help you
If they are babies now getting older and reaching sexual maturity, the humping, as everyone has said, is a dominance thing. Be careful as raging hormones can make baby buns that once got along fight and possibly hurt each other. Its best to have them spayed/neutered if you want to keep them bonded.
agnesthelion wrote:
If they are babies now getting older and reaching sexual maturity, the humping, as everyone has said, is a dominance thing. Be careful as raging hormones can make baby buns that once got along fight and possibly hurt each other. Its best to have them spayed/neutered if you want to keep them bonded.

I have two sisters. They are bonded but I was lucky as they were to put in the same living area from birth.. They have always been together.

Awhile back I had to seperate them because we though a "bunny playdate" with a friend was a good idea. Well it wasn't and I would never recommend it to anyone. The two sisters started fighting all the time. They are fine now but they still hump each other once and awhile. I always push them off(gently) but they don't seem to care.

Right after the playdate they would hump and fight so we separated them. Other then that it's normal as stated before. If they aren't fighting, pulling out hair, or "squeaking" it is fine. They just got spayed a week ago and they have not humped at all since.

Keep an eye out, get them spayed and you will do fine!

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