is it biting?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2004
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Following on from my previous post...when arabbit mounts another and you see her look like she is biting him headto it biting or is it something else?

I have decidedthat I am going to go home tonight and I am going to be a supermum. I am going to create 2 runs next to both my rabbitshutches and I am going to both potty train and bond my rabbits even ifit kills me...would still like to know if there is something thatrabbits do that looks like biting whilst they are mating but nevermind..onwards and upwards!
thats okay i am justhopeful that hetti wasnt attacking jack but itdoesnt look that way :(
black_jack wrote:
[color=yellow, strength=4)">hopeful
that hetti wasnt attacking jack but it doesnt look that way :([/FONT]
From what I understand, a bunnie will nip at the flanks of another to assert dominance.

:~) Jim]
i didnt like the idea ofthat cos its jacks hutch and seems mean that a female can pull ranklike that. Jack is my 1st rabbit so i suppose u could say iam bias but when jack scratted at hetti i stopped him....i supposeshould i let them get on with it?
I wouldn't let them, "get on with it," if it atall appears to be more than an annoyed nip, drawing little fur or noblood. We attempted to permit two bucks to work out theirrank hierarchy by letting them "duke it out. " as per some advice wewere given by someone one would think knew better.

It was toward dusk that they inadvertently clashed (one escaped hishutch, while the other one had been free ranging), but after a shortspiff, they settled side by side to eat some grass. Wethought, "My, maybe it's all over. Look how peaceful they arenow."

We decided to leave them both free range for the rest of the evening inorder to cement their relative positions in rank. The nextmorning one, forlorn, torn, and bleeding bun sat huddled outin the middle of the yard in the down pouring rain!

On my way to work, so the Missus had to deal with little MontieRabbit. Vet said if hadn't brought him in when we did heprobably would have succumbed to his injuries and the concurrentinclement weather.

Vet bill, anti-biotics every four hours night and day, warm compressesas frequently, and two weeks later, Montie was fit to return to hishutch outside, but we had learned our lesson well. Do notunderestimate the damage they can do to one another in spite of beingsuch soft, cuddly, little creatures.

Follow bonding procedures as suggested in those sites that were suggested and you should be alright.

black_jack wrote:
Following on from my previous post...when a rabbit mountsanother and you see her look like she is biting him head to itbiting or is it something else?

Black Jack its love bits very good stuff no need to worry
black_jack wrote:
I...would stilllike to know if there is something that rabbits do that looks likebiting whilst they are mating but never mind..onwards andupwards!
Yes, as the "doc" replied there are "love bites" that can occur duringmating. The "top" will sometimes nip and pull a tuft offuroff the bottom, but if aggressive moves are being madealmost incidentally, I would keep a wary eye on what is transpiring.

I would not recommend permitting a lot of fur to fly or anybleeding to occur. Such moves could impede thebonding process if that is your intent.


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