Is it a speck of blood in the wee?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2019
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Iris came from her spay yesterday and she's somehow hanging on. It's been a struggle getting her to eat but she's slooowly taking to it.
Then i noticed after she had weed, something i suspect to be a spec of blood.
Is it even blood that i'm seeing?
Mum said that it's right after her spay so it's normal? Might it be some residue from the inscision site? I have my doubts but it's better to ask.
If so, how urgent is it? The local clinics are no good for other than fixing ops, so would it warrant an evening drive to the vet further away?16257270944238107869235242362261.jpg
Well, she's finally taken to the fresh wild mint and some hay, left me a small cluster of miniature poops too, so i reckon she'll be fine.
I would check her site but it's covered with the vest thingy and she's not the kindest in letting me have a look, she doesn't like it and will struggle out, i don't want to irk her wound so i better not pick at all.
That does look like fresh blood. You can check the area of the vest over the incision to see if there is any sign of blood, but it's probably coming from internal sutures due to the spay. A small amount for a few days can be normal. But if you start seeing a lot of bleeding, she doesn't start acting more normally soon, and/or her condition declines, then I would have an emergency option ready just in case.

(info about seeing blood after a spay in dogs) that normal?,full service vet to address.
Well, she's coming around slowly.
I tried to look but she would NOT let me. I tried being as gentle as possible, taking it slow and minding her bum. She hated it. She would squirm, kick with her hind feer, toss around, she would not stay still enough for me to have a safe check. She shouldn't be flinging herself around, so i cannot really safely check...
Any help on that?
Also, do you happen to know why the vets would prescribe antibiotics after a spay? They're honestly pretty lousy at explaining things to us...
If you can't get her to stand up on her own so you can get a look at her belly, I wouldn't risk it. With how much it seems she's resisting, you risk causing damage if you try. There's not a lot of blood. It's more likely to be coming out in her urine. So I would just keep an eye on any more blood coming out, and try to get her to periscope for a treat when she's eating better. That will give you the best look at her belly, safely.

Less experienced rabbit vets might prescribe antibiotics to prevent an infection starting. What antibiotic?
Uhhh. I only got to see the bottle briefly, so i don't remember off the top of my head. I'll go look at the list of safe rabbit meds, i'm pretty sure i'll know when i see it...
Uhhh, no. I can't remeber even after having a look at the list....
They gave us four days' worth of it, to be injected under the skin (between shoulderblades) once a day, a clear liquid, the syringe marks "40 units"...
I have not the best memory and i forgot to write it down....
Here's a pic if that'll help any
Injected should be fine then. Most are fine if injected, it's just oral antibiotics you have to be more cautious with. You could call them and ask if you're still concerned. Or if they gave you a printed bill, sometimes it will be listed on there.
They don't seem to like me at all for knowing more than they do... And i don't do well with confrontation, neither do they speak our language, so i'll not bother at all.
They have never given us printed bills in that specific clinic branch. It is just a small room for a store unit and then another small one for examinations. By the light over that small table in the, i presume there's only that room for surgeries...
So i was wondering if the antibiotics are nescessary at all? Iris reacts horribly to any interaction, she desperately tried escaping the antibiotics handling. I see that she hates it with all her might and if it's given just because the not-so-smart vet told us to, i wouldn't want to bother her.
Also about the vest thingy. I haven't heard of or seen any bun be vested after their spay. She can't clean herself properly in that, especially considering all of her dewlap just poking out and getting in the way with it on, and since it's not in rabbit measurements, it is kinda too loose sometimes and she has wiggled her first paws free a few times now.
She isn't accustomed to a lot of foods, she's barely discovered some of rabbits' usual fave treats. Mostly she will hard nudge me even if i have something that she wants, so there's no way she'll periscope to a treat.

We've also been planning on scouting a different vet aboht an hour's drive away. Their branch says that their exotics vet is stationed 3hr drive away, but maybe he'll travel, also i'm sure that they're at least somewhat more knowledgeable than our local branch.
At least she's back to eating and drinking as usual, to our knowledge of those few days pere-op.
You would only need the vest if she is trying to chew her incision open. I've never had a rabbit mess with theirs, but there are rabbit owners that have. If you want to try and see how she does with it off, I would do it where you can keep an eye on her for part of the time to make sure she isn't messing with her incision, more than just minor licking.

With the antibiotic, my only concern would be with how sterile they keep things for surgery. If they aren't a great vet, you may want to continue with the antibiotic just in case. But if everything seemed really clean in there and you aren't concerned about the risk of infection, it's up to you if you feel like it's not necessary.
Well, what do i see here today? Toilet pellets stained orange-ish when they usually stay the same colour. Is it still okay for her to leave something behind in her business? It's been five days.
We had to put this jacket on Maisie as she wouldn't stop chewing the op site. Think we kept it on for about 10 days, and it healed nicely
Well, what do i see here today? Toilet pellets stained orange-ish when they usually stay the same colour. Is it still okay for her to leave something behind in her business? It's been five days.
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Orangish could be plant pigments. The wood pellets can also give that appearance when they are more saturated with the urine. If you're concerned it could still be blood, I would put down a pee pad or newspaper, to get a clear view of her next urination, to see if it's just orangish urine or if there are spots of blood.

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