There is a difference between being vegan andvegetarian. If you are a vegetarian and you eat dairy things ( like icecream for dessert or cake with eggs in it) its technically notcheating.
A vegan diet consits of absolutely no animal products. No milk, nocheese, jello, obviously no meat, no eggs. Basically just fruits andveggies and bread and the like. Vegans are usually super skinny, like afriend of mine in San Diego. Though none of us understand why he'svegan becuse he hates animals.
A lot of people involved with PETA are vegan or at least vegatarian,since peta supports ''complete and total animal liberation''. Which issilly because basically they want to set free EVERY animal. We wouldn'thave pets (no bunnies), cows would roam th streets, no horse racing, noseeing eye dogs, no therapy animals, Nothing. There are some greatanimal rights groups out there, but a lot of people don't know whatPEta is really about. HEring some of those people talk is a littlefrightening. I can link you to a documentary about it if anyone wouldlike to see. There is some mild language and stuff but all in all, aVERY interesting vid.
I hate seeing all that shtuff that happens tot he poor critters we eat.But...meat is yummy

I think it's wrong to put a baby on avegan diet just because you are and things like that. OR your dog forthat matter. To force others to eat like you do isn't fair.
I'm glad you know happy nice vegetarians. A lot of veggie people have bothered me about eating met and yelled at me for it.
The End.