Is a stuffed animal companion a good idea?

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Nov 19, 2020
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Westchester Co, NY
Hello All,

I recently adopted a rescue rabbit, Joey. She hangs around with us in the living room for a couple of hours each morning and evening, but during the day is mostly in her cage (30 x 20").

She gets a lot of snuggles when she's out, but I'm thinking about giving her a plush stuffed animal for company during the day.

Any thoughts on whether this is a good or bad idea, and what to look out for in terms of product safety? I see that there are lots of stuffed animal chew toys marketed for dogs, but I'm definitely not keen on squeak toys!
I gave Theo a stuffed Teddy Bear because I didn't want him to be lonely. I think that a stuffed animal is a great idea! It doesn't need to be a certain type of plushie, it could be an old stuffed animal from when you were a kid. I don't suggest getting a dog toy because of the squeaking.
Honestly I’d say it’s a good idea this helps out with vet visits too or wherever you have to bring your bun it’s always suggested to have something from home taken with them so they don’t panic and help them feel a bit comfortable. Just make sure to cut off the tags (when I gave my buns their first toy it was a replica of sushi for dogs and they wanted to basically rip off the tag/chew it) and it’s not a stuffy that would rip up easily! Even if it’s a stuffy with your scent even better for the comfort of the rabbit. :) and when you wash it also use less detergent & in general make sure there is no strong scent in it so it doesn’t irritate your rabbit!
Bunnies love stuffed animal companions and will groom and lay with them. I think it is a good idea for single bunnies to have one. Just don't get a squeaky dog toy as I can only imagine how scared that would make a bunny! Just try to get one with thicker fur/skin so it doesn't rip too easily and the bunny ingests the stuffing.
Just don't get one that is filled with beads of any sort, and remove any small plastic parts, strings, etc, on the outside that could get chewed and ingested.
I gave my rabbit a stuffed animal, but he didn't seem interested. Its been in his cage for two days and we doesn't go near it unless I put a treat on it or put it near him. How can I make him more comfortable with it?
I think its a Good idea! I gave my boy a small bunny plushie that looked like him and he loves it! He loves to groom it (I made sure it doesn't have lose fur so he doesnt ingest too much) and sleep next to it. Here's a pic of him and his friend on a stroller ride Message_1587937726011~7.jpg
I guess it's a good idea. I gave a stuffed bear to my rescued cat. Now I think they are BFFs. You know, it was like I brought her an emotional support animal.
I got a gf plushie for my bun and I was thinking of taking it to my neighbor’s and rubbing the plushie on her girl bunny to get some scent on it…to make the experience more real for my boy bun. Is that a good idea or a really really bad one? Hehe
My bunnies have almost always had stuffies for life, even after bonding with a live bunny. I have bought regular kids' toys and the ones that are squeaky. The latter haven’t been a problem since the bunnies haven’t done anything that would activate the squeaking, and they are designed for better safety with chewing pets. Only one bunny has chewed a hole in a stuffy, and that was fixed with a bandage. I try to get ones with embroidered eyes rather than plastic eyes.

My big grey bunny with spinal issues used her stuffy to prop her in positions that helped her spine.

My bun have a stuffed animal, I think he likes it, I don't have a picture rn but I might be able to on a website
Salem has a stuffed narwhal I bought him from the pet store. It’s 3 times his size and he LOVES it! He’ll groom it and snuggle next to it. It’s gone a long way to easing his fears when I brought home his little sister, Sabrina. As long as he knows that’s his stuffie, he’s ok.
I guess it's a good idea. I gave a stuffed bear to my rescued cat. Now I think they are BFFs. You know, it was like I brought her an emotional support animal.
Maybe I should register it on xD I've noticed when we want to help our pet be adopted by the environment, we give it a toy. And when we want to help our friends or relatives, we do the same thing - we just find them an ESA. So, people take care of those you love because if not for you, no one will. Make love, not war.

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