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Aww I cant believe I have missed this thread!Sasha has the same colourings as my rabbit, Bonnie, who died about 2yrs ago. Its a really nice colour isnt it
Click on the pictures to make them bigger. The other rabbit is her sister Mollie who died recently this year.
thanks slavetoabunny & Luvabun
Linz - Bonnie and Sasha do have very similar coloring. I think she'sthe first rabbit I've seen who looks extremely similar to my Sasha. I'msorry to hear about Mollie and Bonnie.

They both looked like greatbuns!
I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays

Can you believe it's almost 2006??
Here he is with a sleigh full of presents that I made in 10th grade
He decided to help me wrap gifts lol
I took Sasha's cuddle cup out a few weeks ago to wash it and with theholidays and all I forgot to put it back in his cage. So today after Ifinally remembered, I put it back in his cage and he is soooooooooooooohappy! I put it back a few hours ago and he hasn't stopped sitting init since. He's laying in it right now snuggled up and falling asleep. Ipromised him to never take it away for that long again, lol.