how do i go about introducing a new male to myfemale? she has only ever been out in the garden withfemales,she is one of a little of two that my femalehadearly last year. any advice would be very grateful.kerry.
I have a little bit of experience with this and here is my advice.
First how old is your girl.. the younger the better for both the male and female when introducing
There is such thing as love at first site, but it is rare. If yourbunnies dont show signs of aggression. IE tails up.. when they firstmeet this is good news. If they seem to ignore eachother they dontconsider eachother a threat and is better news.. they may bond , theymay not but at least there will be no biting.
If there is aggression I suggest you go to House rabbit society homepage , they have numerous methods of bonding two rabbits that may notinitially want anything to do with eachother.
NEUTRAL GROUND is the key. DO NOT put the male inornear the territory of the female, you are only asking for trouble asrabbits are very Territorial and she will defend her ground.Introduce them in a place she has never been... possible a bath tub orroom she has not explored. 5 to ten minutes a day is good tostart if there is aggression. Remember though it is possiblethey will never bond, just as us.. just because they are "both" rabbitsdoes not mean they will like eachother.
I would say the main thing is to persevere with them - keep at it everyday and if these tips don't seem to work maybe try different thingsdepending on your bunnies personalities.
hiya, thanks for your reply, my female is 8mths,she is one of the babies my female had last year, she has never beenintroduced to a male as the male i have is the dad of her, if thatmakes any sense. I bought a new male a few weeks ago he is now four anda half mths old, i have introduced them but the female went for him soi havent bothered since.