In need of bunny names

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Lol, I was just reading this again and I forgot not everyone can speak Irish :blushan:

Rímead means 'Joy', pronounced Ree-made

Realta means 'Star', pronounced rail-ta

Aoibhinn means 'love, pronounced A-vin
I already have a friend with a rabbit named Grace haha thanks for the link, I have looked at it but none of them are really standing out to me. I had already thought of Ash though, funnily enough.

I still haven't settled on a name after over 50 hours of having the girl home...

Thehe names I am considering-
- Delilah
- Ash(e)
- Mae (I like a band with this name, and I got her in May)

I guess I like the names that aren't common people names, because it's for a rabbit.
You should take their personalaty and see. Like if they are rough bruce would be a cute name if one of them are calm and quiet Sunny or Kiwi would be a cute name. See what I'm saying.
I think I'm leaning toward Maximus (Max for short) and Mocha for the chocolates. They're goofy goobers. I have them in the same pen yet since they're so young and I didn't want them to be alone. They run around binkying and looking for attention. I gave them an emptytoilet paper roll today and they were having the time of their lives with it. It will be sad to seperate them when they get a little older.

I'm still stuck on Hunny bunny for the broken. That's a horrible name for on a pedigree though. :( It's fits her personality though because she's a real sweetie.
I was going to ask if you have decided on your names. You've got 3 to decide on so that must be much harder than one that I have to decide!

I did like the name Hershey but Max and Mocha sound good together. I'm doing the same kind of thing, I'm trying to find a name that sounds good with Lopsy. I'm leaning towards Lucy or Lulu. maybe both.

I have only one suggested for the very cute broken bunny... Oreo. she looks that colour to me. dark brown and white, like the biscuit and the cream colours. but I won't take it personally if you don't like that.
I was kind of limited in the chocolate names because both come from solid chocolate lineage and everyone else used the chocolate names that were more common...and some odd ones that were not.

I do like Oreo and there is no other bunny by that name in the lineage. There is a twinkie, but that's as close as it gets. :) I'll ask my husband if that is less "lame" than Hunny Bunny. I'm sure he'll say yes, anything is less lame than that.

I am getting two more bunnies from a breeder soon, but they're already named. One is a BEW named Codie and the other hasn't been chosen from the litter yet, so hopefully she'll pick a cool name. That one is a siamese smoke pearl...I just love that color. Hopefully she doesn't name it Pearl because that sounds like an old lady. :)She named one of my bunnies I got last year Beth and I did change that name. I have a friend who had a bitter divorce with a Beth, so Beth the bunny became Clover before my friend had the chance to meet her.

I have another orange mini lop buck ordered, as well as a solid orange Holland doe, so the naming game has just begun. :)
as I said, it's just a suggestion. but of course you are welcome to use Oreo if you like it... and depending what your husband says!

Codie is a pretty good name. Chances are there has already been a Pearl in the family if there has been a few smoke pearls so you might be safe there! I also would have changed the name Beth because I have a cousin called Bethany/Beth so that would be a bit weird. Also, I find some human names to be too human for rabbits haha

wow you are getting another 4? and you already have at least three... yes you sure have some more naming ahead of you. please ask us again for help when the time comes! I'll try to think of some orange rabbit names for you... :)

edit: just after I pressed 'reply' I thought of a name for an orange doe... I looked out the window and since I am in Australia I saw orange leaves. So my suggestion is Autumn :)

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