In memory of GingerSpice and Tiny....a request (pictures)

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
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, Texas, USA
This is sort of a sad thread for me - but y'all can make it a happy thread with your replies.

Two years ago yesterday - I lost GingerSpice - who turned out to be my first heart bunny (I just didn't realize it till shortly before she passed). In a matter of a few will be the one year anniversary of Tiny's passing.

Between now - and then (Feb. 3rd) - will you please do something for me? You can pick and choose what to do - or do all three options - but please consider doing this?

  1. Pictures - one of my biggest regrets is that I didn't have many pictures of GingerSpice - less than a dozen I think....and not very many of Tiny either. Please - take new pictures (and/or videos) of your bunnies between now an Feb. 3rd and post them here. This way - when/if you lose your bunnies - you'll have at least one more picture/video than you have at this moment.
  2. Medical Records - any of our buns can become ill at any time - and sometimes it is all we can do to not only try to help them - but get them to a vet for help. I don't know about y'all - but I'm horrible about keeping medical records for each animal - when they've had meds - what type, etc. Get together a set of medical records for your animals - include weights on a monthly basis too. Write down their diet - things you will probably forget in the stress of fighting stasis, etc. Then - put these someplace where they're easy to grab on your way out the door to the vet's office. Keep them udpated monthly. (Ali - aka JadeIcing is great on this topic).
  3. If your camera isn't working - or you have tons of pictures - and you already have their medical records organized...then just take some extra time in these next few days to spend with your rabbits. Maybe give them a treat - play with them if they like to throw a cardboard tube or roll around a ball or whatever. But give them the best gift you can give both yourself and them - TIME.
Losing my heart bunnies was heart-breaking - and the upcoming anniversaries are tearing me apart inside. But if I know that someone - someone will be helped by this - that they'll have more pictures - or better medical records - or even maybe have spent more time with their will help me make it through January 25th and February 3rd.

If you need me these next few days, you know where I am.

Gosh two years..:hug: It's coming up to two years since I lost Berri. :(

This is a great thread, Peg. I haven't taken pictures of my rabbits in a while, and now I'm going to, you are right. I regret not taking enough pictures of Berri, though at least I have plenty of Pebble. Thank you. :)

I've been keep track of all my Bunny medical records for awhile now. I keep them all in a binder and hole punch them and in they go. I try and keep track of their weight but thats the one thing I forget to write down.
I don't have a lot of photo's of my first few buns but I wish I had. But I have a lot of photo's of the guys/gals I have. I think everyday I snap a few new photo's of the two living with me.

Here's a photo of Monsters. She's not camera shy.

I have a ton of pictures of all my rabbits. Even all the fosters I have had over the past few years.I found old photos of rabbits that I had from many years ago. I just need to put them in an album.

I have all the medical information on file especially for Smitten.

I always greet the buns in the morning and say goodnight to them. I always give as much of my attention and time as I can. It is more about the quality than the quantity.
I want to say - in advance - a BIG thank you to everyone who decides to take new photos or work on setting up updated medical records because of this post.

I appreciate it.

I'll start on the pictures straight away. In fact I may consider bying a new camera as my release button has a second time delay and I can't take snap shots. So I have plenty of pictures of bunnies hopping out of pictures, bunny butts or noses stuck right into the camera lense:biggrin2:

My medical files are in order, as all there is is their spaying and vaccination records. We got those given by the vet. And should they ever get sick (Mine are all still young) I will keep the records within their individual file.

And now I'm going down to give Lint and Asha a cuddle (for the split second they tolerate sitting still:))
HI Tiny

Wow I cant believe it's been almost 2 years since GingerSpice crossed to the Bridge.

I can remember it like yesterday. There were quite a few of us that were loosing our babies. I lost my Lop not long after GingerSpice (March 22nd)

If you need me, just let me know

Here's a pic of my sleeping prince for you


I have recently got a copy of my 3's medical records from my local Small Animal Clinic. Just in case.


My thoughts are with you TM
im really sorry hun :(i have lost buns myself these last few years but the pain i felt for them probably wont be as strong as how i would feel when Crystal goes.

i just want to say im thinking about you and sending you a hug.

Crystal sends you lots of bunny licks


I'm so sorry you lost both your heart bunnies, I don't know how I'll feel when I lose mine :(I love both my babies but Princess is definately my heart bunny





It's such a good idea, Peg. We will work on it!

Our work is cut out for us, with 16, but that is all the MORE reason to take pictures, get records in order, and spend some special time with EACH ONE.

Tiny's mom

Your beloved bunnies will be waiting for you in heaven,

but I want you to know that they will visit you in your sleep , you can feel thier preance near you.

peace be with you

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