I'm too attached :(

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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2012
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Brighton, UK
I'm having so much trouble with rehoming my litter of bunnies, I'm so attached to them and am being so picky with where and who they go to! :(

I'm so worried that people will always say how much love and attention they'll get, and that they'll have loads of space and stuff but then once I've handed them over they'll be left in someones garden in a little hutch. They're such loved bunnies and I want it to carry on that way!

Sorry, I guess I'm just having a little rant, because I don't really have many other people to talk to about it!
I know how you feel. One of my rabbits had a litter of bunnies after I got her, and I've only been able to find a home for one of them cause I'm so picky and will only let them go to a really good home. They're my babies and I would feel so horrible if they didn't go somewhere where they were loved and well taken care of. The one I did find a home for, the people had had a house rabbit for 10 years before, so I felt really good about that. The rest of them I still have, and will keep until I am able to find just the right home for them.
We are really picky too, so we never adopted out many of our rescues. I did interviews, went to their house to look it over and talked to all the family members and looked over any other pets. The ones I did let out of my sight went to really great forever homes. It's just not easy or fast.
I'm glad I'm not alone in this! I think I've found a perfect home for a pair of them, and I know the girl well. It's just letting them go is going to be so hard :(
I can only adopt spayed females or males because I have heard too many stories of surprise baby bunnies coming with the mama. I would end up keeping every last one!
My two boys have found a lovely home. I've told them that if she has them they will have to be neutered as soon as they can be to help prevent them fighting, and there is a chance they may have to be separated. Fingers crossed it all works out. I've said if it doesn't then they are to come straight back to me. She really seems perfect for them though. I'm so sad! :( but happy at the same time.
I'm so happy for them. It's such a relief to feel like our bunnies are going to a good home, but sad too cause we miss them. I really missed my Bailey when he went to his new home, I just have to remind myself that it would be too hard to keep all of them. Just maybe, one or two :)
Wow look at that collection of boots! Oh my gosh those babies are so cute I couldn't let them go either!
LOL.....that is why we have spayed and neutered bunnies! I KNOW me....and I would be the EXACT same way! I would end up keeping them all....I wouldn't even try to find homes for them! Good luck!
I was the same when my bunny had babies. I personally didn't let them go to people I didn't know. 4 went to different people in my family that I knew would take care of them and no one from my family wanted the other 3 so I kept them as I didn't want to give them away to strangers! Ps the picture looks EXACTLY like my the 2 sisters I kept (Bonnie and Casey) :)
Yeah I'm definitely only rehoming to people I know! :) Couldn't bare let them go to a stranger. I'm hoping now I've got the four my dad will let me keep them... But I'm sure I'll have to rehome another pair :(

The boys are settling in really well at their new home, they've been getting TONS of cuddles, and she said that they're the most cuddly buns she's met! I feel happy that that was through all the love and attention they got when they were with me to make them like that! She's named them Ralph (white) and Reggie! Pretty cute :D
I miss them so much though :(
Oh, they´re so cute and love the names. I´m glad mine are all boys, I´d end up with a house full of bunnies as I´d always find a reason not to let them go...you must get so attached to them as you get to know them and their personalities...wish I had space for more.

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