Yes, this is from the link Flashy provided, and we could really use this information;
If you're posting about a sick bunny in the Infirmary, please provide the following information:
- Location -
Escondido, CA (United States)
- Description (Breed, color., weight)
He's a palomino. Creamy light brown with white underside. Probably about 2 or so pounds
- Age
he'll be 2 tomorrow
- spayed/neutered?
unfortunately not
it's so expensive and I'm a student supporting myself.
- Notes on Fecal and Urinary Output
- are the bunny's poops and pees normal?
he's peeing a little from what I can tell but not pooping very much. When he does poop its very small and hard.
- When did they last use their litterbox?
he peed a little while ago
- Any unusual behavior?
thats the weird part. He seems pretty much normal. He doesn't seem to want to move very much (which I wouldn't want to either if I was constipated) but is still very fiesty and willing to fight back when I gave him the Rabbit Lax I just bought. He doesn't seem to be hotter than usual (fever wise) or lethargic.
- Medical History -- has s/he been to the vet or been sick before?
- Diet - what does your bunny eat?
pellets, hay, some fresh veggies every once in a while.
- when and what did s/he eat last?
he ate some hay and a slice of apple last night. That was the last time I saw him eat something but it doesn't mean he didn't eat more hay while I was sleeping
- movement - any unusual movements? Is s/he hopping normally?
he seems fine except for not wanting to move too much
- are there any plants, chocolate or other substances within reach?
no. He's higher up on his own stand with nothing in reach that he shouldn't be eating
- has the rabbit been outdoors?
not recently